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05-06-2004, 11:06 AM
fingerbob fingerbob is offline
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I'm fortunate enought to have a copy of MS2.1 before it was removed.

Generally, I find it to be very impressive and handy to use. I always tend to use the MA script that came with it, because the results are usually ideal.

However, I now have 2 separate questions I'd like answered if possible:-

1) Whenever I try to preview/compare Divx/Xvid scripts, I'm often told by MS that 'Undot: Supports YUY12 color format only'. This is a real pain. Having read http://www.kvcd.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4365, its clear that I should edit the script with ConvertToYUY2() after the source to correct this. But is there something I can do to permanently change the colorspace I use? Am I using something other than YUY? Why? (bit of a newbie on this subject...)

2) I have read many times that Dialhots V4 script is best for these kind of sources, so would he or some other kind soul be willing to convert that script into a workable template for MS? Hopefully, this would eliminate the need for undot and the errors that it gives.

Unless of course, its just a simple matter of CODEC problems. If someone wants to expand on this, I'd be grateful.

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05-06-2004, 11:14 AM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by fingerbob
But is there something I can do to permanently change the colorspace I use?
I don't think you can, because MovieStacker's presets are loaded or saved, only supporting the internal filter set. So even if you add a function to your current .avs being edited, it won't be saved in a preset file. You'll have to manually add the function after saving your script (or before saving the script, in the script windows).
2) I have read many times that Dialhots V4 script is best for these kind of sources, so would he or some other kind soul be willing to convert that script into a workable template for MS? Hopefully, this would eliminate the need for undot and the errors that it gives.
This one is for someone else to answer

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05-06-2004, 11:28 AM
fingerbob fingerbob is offline
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Hey Kwag

Thanks for the quick reply. As I said, I've no real idea about how colorspace things work. I've just picked up what I've read on here about how to get around it.

I mean, I can put ConvertToYUY2() but equally it will accept ConvertToYV12(). I've read about RGB being mentioned too but I need an education on this to know any better.

The real reason I asked is that this problem has only recently started to happen for me, so it puzzled me. If, as you say its part of the internal MS thing, then wouldn't it have happened all the time?

Actually, I have two sources. My Divx source is the problem one (it play fine on PC) but my Xvid source works using undot. Odd.

One thing worth mentioning to explain the annoyance - MS2.1 has lovely new preview/compare features, but whenever you click/unclick a filter, it refreshes the whole script. So to preview or compare, you have to reinsert the ConvertToYUY2() line over and over.

Sorry for waffling on. It's just buggin me.

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05-06-2004, 12:19 PM
muaddib muaddib is offline
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Requires either YUY2 or YV12 input.
That was quoted by the undot readme.
According to this, and to my experiments too, undot support both YUY2 and YV12.
Are you using the undot.dll that came with MovieStacker?
(also check if there is other undot.dll inside the avisyth plugin directory)

If yes, I think it should be a codec problem.
What filter/coddec are you using to decode Xvid/Divx?
Do you have the latest Xvid installed?

One thing worth mentioning to explain the annoyance - MS2.1 has lovely new preview/compare features, but whenever you click/unclick a filter, it refreshes the whole script. So to preview or compare, you have to reinsert the ConvertToYUY2() line over and over.
Yes... I'll add an "auto refresh script" checkbox in the next version. Along with a button to refresh it manually. This should solve this problem.
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05-06-2004, 12:55 PM
Prodater64 Prodater64 is offline
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Settings codecs as Dialhot tell me, I solved all color space issues.
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05-06-2004, 02:17 PM
fingerbob fingerbob is offline
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Having read thru the post provided by Prodater64, I now see that converttoyv12() is sometimes required in a script where the source is DIVX3 Slow motion (4cc = div3). It just so happens that the last two sources I've had (apart from the Xvid one) have been div3.

So I'll learn the lesson and just put this one down to coincidence.


As I have no problem using undot with other sources, might it be a suggestion to have MS check the 4CC and auto add this line for div3 sources?

I know its another lazyman solution, but isn't that kinda what MS is for? :P

@ dialhot

would be nice to hear if you are still working on the V4 template...
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