I'm fortunate enought to have a copy of MS2.1 before it was removed.
Generally, I find it to be very impressive and handy to use. I always tend to use the MA script that came with it, because the results are usually ideal.
However, I now have 2 separate questions I'd like answered if possible:-
1) Whenever I try to preview/compare Divx/Xvid scripts, I'm often told by MS that 'Undot: Supports YUY12 color format only'. This is a real pain. Having read
http://www.kvcd.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4365, its clear that I should edit the script with ConvertToYUY2() after the source to correct this. But is there something I can do to permanently change the colorspace I use? Am I using something other than YUY? Why? (bit of a newbie on this subject...)
2) I have read many times that Dialhots V4 script is best for these kind of sources, so would he or some other kind soul be willing to convert that script into a workable template for MS? Hopefully, this would eliminate the need for undot and the errors that it gives.
Unless of course, its just a simple matter of CODEC problems. If someone wants to expand on this, I'd be grateful.