sorry to say Karl but seems that your letter was not read.
i delete one vmesquita new thread in portuguese forum a few minutes where he post this link:
is called: Topic: Explicações sobre o que aconteceu no KVCD.NET (Read 2 times) *
means: explanations of what is happening in KVCD.NET
* 2 times cos i was the first to read it and another time to save that post.
remember that here is one closed(private) forum and there is an public forum....he came here to post links to his public forum to post what is happen inside of one closed forum, where only registered members can came inside and post detalis the he can trust in another public forum as adiministrator for all that can't read what happens here to judge.
all will get his point of view and will do wrong judgement.
i'ts not seems just for me than i delete his thread in portuguese forum!
i was waiting some bad manners from vmesquita all night long and i change pms lots of times with muaddib explaining that cos he stay in the forum from hours but don't post anything....only stay sending pms to incommode the members of kvcd forum, trying to build an regiment against me,nothing more.
again i call you for justice cos everytime that i do something in the favor of the forum i got injusts enemys that want to destroy my reputation posting against me and pointing that i am guilty of "don't know what".
if he edit or delete that thread i have a copy here just like is now after the second read....i can send for who call.
my positions was always to protect the forum, adiministrators, you all mods, members and of course my own person.
after they all try to destroy the reputation on the forum are trying now to destroy my reputation as a man but compare what i do and what they do....i give to you all the hammer of the judges.
only who don't care never will post his own opinion here.
...excuse my pressure but i'm fighting alone in this first moment and i call you all again to be honorables and judge everything and use the hammer to give the "veredicto",
---> with justice
this story needs to a prejudice to the whole forum and for my reputation as a man too.
if i'm wrong please tell me but don't be absent.
i go forever after your veredicto if it remove the whole problems from the forum.
thank you all!
edited: after glänzend log in, vmesquita is gone
.....will be back later of course.