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10-31-2004, 02:46 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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This was the letter I just sent to Vinicius, via PM, answering his reply that if I didn't kick jorel out, he would not post here anymore.
I explain about his behaviour, when we decided to start our new business model of registrations. That was what triggered his "I'm starting my own forum" issue, and he tried to put some pressure, and even asked for a database backup of the DIKO forum, which I had already answered that we couldn't do that, because of legal issues (I will NOT EVER give the subscriber database to anyone )
Just wanted to post it privately, because I'm sure many will be asking why the DIKO forum will dissapear very shortly.
I'm really sorry that it all had to end like this, but I cannot permit things like this to disrupt the forum and it's current state.
We must (and will!) move on


Hi Vinicius,

To answer your PM related to removing jorel as mod, this is the final decision.

You first came to KVCD.Net and started to write some utilities, which we
all appreciated.
Then you developed DIKO, using our site as a BIG resource for your
convenience, because of the traffic we generate. It was fine with us,
because we saw many users interested.
Then  you decided to do DIKO GOLD, and we embraced your idea, still,
even though you were now making money, our services were still free and
we didn't mind.
Now here's what happens,

I'm not sorry to tell you that I agree 100% with jorel

(and other mods that talked to  me via PM ).

The DIKO forum was moderated by you in a very lousy way, for obvious reasons, you 
would not strike some of your potential DIKO users (right?) even if they
were talking about "gray" topics areas, which could be interpreted as Warez.

So Jorel steps in, and tries to "fix" this by closing threads. Where
were you?
This is not an issue of 2 or 3 days ago. It's an issue of MONTHS!
Why? again, because you would not jeopardize your "present or future
DIKO buyers",  by talking about forum rules, etc.

Then when we started our business plan of registrations, you tell me
"It's not an option" for you!!!
Well I'm sorry but after reconsidering all that has happened, and after
reading the last posts you did on DIKO forum, which I hadn't really read
until today, "It's my decision" to delete the DIKO forum completely from KVCD.Net, later today.
I'm sorry, but we have thousands of users hitting our site, and I won't
let them bounce to your site "for your continued business", which
started here, with our full resources.
This is a final decision, and I wish you well on your venture with DIKO
and your new site.


PS: regarding your comment, about kicking Jorel from the forum, I’m sorry but I don’t receive ultimatums well. Jorel gives a 100% of his time to the forum, and we appreciate that.  He was not asking for much, he was just requesting solidarity from all moderators.
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11-01-2004, 06:04 AM
jorel jorel is offline
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sorry to say Karl but seems that your letter was not read.

i delete one vmesquita new thread in portuguese forum a few minutes where he post this link:


is called: Topic: Explicações sobre o que aconteceu no KVCD.NET (Read 2 times) *
means: explanations of what is happening in KVCD.NET
* 2 times cos i was the first to read it and another time to save that post.

remember that here is one closed(private) forum and there is an public forum....he came here to post links to his public forum to post what is happen inside of one closed forum, where only registered members can came inside and post detalis the he can trust in another public forum as adiministrator for all that can't read what happens here to judge.
all will get his point of view and will do wrong judgement.
i'ts not seems just for me than i delete his thread in portuguese forum!

i was waiting some bad manners from vmesquita all night long and i change pms lots of times with muaddib explaining that cos he stay in the forum from hours but don't post anything....only stay sending pms to incommode the members of kvcd forum, trying to build an regiment against me,nothing more.

again i call you for justice cos everytime that i do something in the favor of the forum i got injusts enemys that want to destroy my reputation posting against me and pointing that i am guilty of "don't know what".
if he edit or delete that thread i have a copy here just like is now after the second read....i can send for who call.

my positions was always to protect the forum, adiministrators, you all mods, members and of course my own person.
after they all try to destroy the reputation on the forum are trying now to destroy my reputation as a man but compare what i do and what they do....i give to you all the hammer of the judges.
only who don't care never will post his own opinion here.
...excuse my pressure but i'm fighting alone in this first moment and i call you all again to be honorables and judge everything and use the hammer to give the "veredicto",
---> with justice

this story needs to end....is a prejudice to the whole forum and for my reputation as a man too.
if i'm wrong please tell me but don't be absent.
i go forever after your veredicto if it remove the whole problems from the forum.

thank you all!


edited: after glänzend log in, vmesquita is gone
.....will be back later of course.
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11-01-2004, 07:18 AM
kwag kwag is offline
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Hi Jorge,

Yes I noticed that yerterday too, and I saw a lot (too much!) PM activity all day from his account. But no posts on the forum.
I guess he's been communicating via PM with who knows who, so we disabled his account.
And the post you deleted, I guess was done in early morning hours, because I was not around.
He can no longer log on or receive PM's.

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11-01-2004, 02:45 PM
rds_correia rds_correia is offline
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Well boys, I gotta tell you, he changed some PMs with me and I told him that this didn't need to happen and that there were other ways this could have ended even if he had to open up a new forum for DIKO.
But he always told me that he would go away because he couldn't stay in a place where Jorge would have the power to edit or erase posts or even close threads.
He also seemed very sad for 5000+ posts without having had a single edit and that his 1st edited post was done by his great long time friend Jorge.
Also he said he was sad by having become a regular user even without a PM.
I tried my best to see that his friendship with Jorge wouldn't come to an end because of this issue but he told me that there was no way around to that.
Also he told me he was ashamed by his approach to glanzend and that should he have know she was Karl's wife he would have taken it easier.
Who else he PMed and for what purpose I really don't know.
I am though already registered at VM.com and paying good attention to this thread http://www.vmesquita.com/forum/index.php?topic=21.0.
It seems like show time there, with everybody saying whatever they feel like to about Jorge.
Soon I will drop the bomb as it is already too much of a flame.
I already PMed him about it but he has been away.
Let's see what he'll do as he comes back and sees it.
THEN I'll drop some Napalm on them.
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11-01-2004, 05:29 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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translate this phrase for me...what means that?
He also seemed very sad for 5000+ posts without having had a single edit and that his 1st edited post was done by his great long time friend Jorge.
i can't believe in what i understood ...please translate to portuguese!

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11-01-2004, 06:20 PM
rds_correia rds_correia is offline
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In Portuguese for Jorge:
Ele me disse que estava muito desgostoso pois em mais de 5000 posts na sua conta pessoal sem ter tido nenhum problema e que logo o seu primeiro post editadotinha sido do seu amigo de longa data Jorge.

That was about it
Why is there something wrong?
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