Hi Prodater64,
It's all fine with me. Everyone is free to choose what to do on other sites
I do however want to say something here in public, and that is that I'm a little worried about something I'm noticing, and I want to say it here.
I have been monitoring Vinicius activities on this forum since yesterday, and all I see him do is sending PM's and answering PM's.
I am a little worried, and I have to say that I think, again, that he is using our resources to "keep people informed" about his site, his product, and again, no interest in this site at all.
A couple of people have already PM'ed me (no it wasn't jorel
) and have mentioned this behaviour.
You see, I don't mind him coming back to share in the forum, but we do mind him coming here, and taking resources for his benefit, and "supporting" his DIKO users with our resources (bandwidth, user database, etc.).
All I can say is that if we do block him, and again, for the things I'm seeing in the forum, my hand is very close to the "disable account" on vmesquita.