Quantcast KVCD ULBR (Ultra Low Bit Rate) Released! - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
01-16-2003, 10:59 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Are you ready for this
"The KVCD ULBR, 360 minutes on a CD-R"

It's a joke, right YOU'RE WRONG
The original KVCD LBR was rated at ~180 minutes, with quality way below a VCD. But the purpose was for travelers and small portable TV's. This was clearly stated here: http://www.kvcd.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1211

Things have REALLY changed since we posted the LBR.
With the new filters that have appeared on the horizon ( Thanks SansGrip we can't thank you enough ) and the new FaeryDust filter ( Thanks Steady, from the doom9 forum ) IT'S A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME .

The original LBR is now rated "Near VCD quality" ~180 minutes, and the new ULBR introduced today, is rated at 360 minutes per CD-R with reduced quality. The quality of the new ULBR is about the same as the original LBR.
Here's a prediction sample targetted at 400MB ( Half a CD-R ), so this is what a movie encoded with the ULBR would look like on a CD: http://www.kvcd.net/sample360.mpg

That would be how 360 minutes would look on a CD-R

Remember, as I said in the original LBR post: It's designed for SMALL TV's and portable DVD players. In my Panasonic DVD-L10 (5" screen), it looks just like a VCD


It's very important that you use SansGrip filters and Steady's filter.
Here's the sample .avs script that was used to make that sample:

LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\MPEG2Dec\MPEG2DEC.dll")

Please use the new "GripFit" instead of the "BilinearResize", as it makes things much simpler
Here's the link to SansGrip's filters: http://www.jungleweb.net/~sansgrip/avisynth/
Here's the link to Steady's FaeryDust filter: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.ph...ight=faerydust
Here's the link for C3d: http://hellninjacommando.com/con3d/

And here's a thread with some insights on these filters: http://www.kvcd.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2339

The ULBR templates are available here: www.kvcd.net/dvd-models

Edit: Here's how it would be used with SansGrip automatic resizing and cropping filters:

GripCrop( 352, 240, overscan=1 )

Have fun ,
Someday, 12:01 PM
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