I contacted Panasonic Tech Support 1 (886) 462-5138 about the LF-D311
and explained the problem of reading the DVD-R manufacturer's id from
a blank disc. The tech support person actually tried "Nero's CDSpeed">
Extra>Dics Info with no luck either. There is chance that the burner
can be updated with firmware or a possible patch on the next release
may happen. He believes the ASPI SenseKey error is due to the burner
will not allow the function to identify manufacturer id (some don't). I
will follow-up and hope for firmware. BWT, the latest firmware update
is A127, which allows 4X burning DVD-R media. Here's a link for
ratting online sellers of DVD's:
They use buyers responses of 50 or more to rate product, service,
Add your 2 cents and contact Panasonic about this problem and maybe
that may speedup the fix. Then we can determine whether the DVD's
you purchased are what you really paid for and not a cheaper
-black prince