Boulder wrote:
Generally anything over 4 is considered out of DVD specs, and the quality figure Nero gives is based on that as it drops down fast when you get one spike over 4.
I tried this one today,and it gave strange results:
I got a HP pc with one DVD-Rom station and one HP DVD Burner 300n
(i.e. a Nec 1100A) that supports DVD+R/RW.
I cant use Nero CD/DVD speed with the writer,the station doesnt
support the operation nero says.So I used the DVD-Rom station
wich gave me two scan speed settings,maximum and 40x.
So I choosed maximum,the first half of the DVD is scanned with
4 to 8x speed,but the last part of the disc scans with 13 to 15x speed.
and the PI failures goes skyhigh as the scan speed increases.
this happends with both home burned discs(Verbatim 4x,8x) and
original DVD Video discs from the shop.
So my question/conclution,is these results reliable ?I doubt it.
Its hard to belive that the original DVD Video bought at any
shop is out of the DVD specs.
My home burned discs is burned by Nero or DVDDecrypter,and
verified with no errors.