After I ripped the subtitles with VobSub Configure I open the *.idx file with WordPad. Then I change the following values:
# Settings
# Original frame size
size: 720x576
# Origin, relative to the upper-left corner, can be overloaded by aligment
org: 90, 72
# Image scaling (hor,ver), origin is at the upper-left corner or at the alignment coord (x, y)
scale: 75%, 75%
# Alpha blending
alpha: 100%
# Smoothing for very blocky images (use OLD for no filtering)
smooth: OFF
# In millisecs
fadein/out: 50, 50
# Force subtitle placement relative to (org.x, org.y)
align: OFF at LEFT TOP
# For correcting non-progressive desync. (in millisecs or hh:mm:ss:ms)
# Note: Not effective in DirectVobSub, use "delay: ... " instead.
time offset: 0
# ON: displays only forced subtitles, OFF: shows everything
forced subs: ON
The good thing is that these settings work no matter of the resolution you choose to encode.
EDIT (November 22nd, 2003): Fine tuned the settings a bit more...
BTW If you're encoding an NTSC movie change the origin parameters to "72, 48" to get the subs centered.
Now it should look even better.
FINAL EDIT: New values... Should be correct now. I hope...
Use 90, 72 for PAL, and 90, 60 for NTSC. Happy encoding!