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Thank you for being a client of The Digital FAQ. Our helpdesk does four things for you:

It's unique - This helpdesk is a unique benefit offered to our clients; it's something not found anywhere else. While a project is ongoing, we can address any issues or observations about your videos, photos or websites. It also acts as a status feed, where we can leave updates on where your project is in our queue, and how far it is away from completion.

It's feature-rich - Unlike emails, we can attach large sample files to helpdesk posts, in order to troubleshoot issues or demonstrate what is possible. It can be styled and edited. And it can be accessed from anywhere that's convenient.

It's long-term - Even after a project is completed, clients may ask for follow-up advice in their ticket. We strive to offer long-term support for our clients, because using our services is often just the beginning of your endeavor. With video capture projects, for example, we may give tips on DIY editing and encoding. Again, this is a unique benefit not found elsewhere.

It's private - To access your project ticket, register for the forum, and email us your username; we'll associate your ticket with your account. Know that clients can only see their own support tickets. This forum should only be used for project discussions -- mostly technical issues, follow-up advice, and status updates. All personal information and billing will still be handled through email, to prevent any potential privacy issues.
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