I have had this model hooked via Ethernet up a dell PC 2004 with windows xp home service pack 2. It is also connected via an ethernet switch with another Ethernet cable to a mac mini in a bedroom.
There are other devices in our home, an
amazon knidle, & an ipod touch, an iphone & laptop that connect via wifi.
In the last few weeks, when I try to load web pages from the dell pc, the page progress indicator would spin, the page would try to load, but slowly, & I would get a page saying cannot connect to server. I would then just hit the refesh tab, & then the page would load.
While I was on my mac in my room, (while the dell was shut down, but router still on) pages started loading slowly, & then I could not connect to the internet at all.
I made sure the wifi was off on the ipod touch. I dont think the wifi was turned off the last time the laptop was turned on. My moms
amazon kindle seems to keep a wifif signal on for awhile even when it is shut off.
I logged into the at&t interface, & ran a diagnostics test, & it showed disconnected from the DSL. I let it run the diagnostics, then a few seconds later, I was on the internet again. I just clicked on one of my bookmarks, & it loaded the page. I also noticed pages seemed to load a little faster.
does having wifi devices interfere with internet connectivity?