I acquired these recently with the intention of using them to digitise some VHS tapes.
They both have fault codes 41. And the 611 is also showing up fault 57. If you search YouTube for MISU’s channel he shows how to fix fault code 41. I attempted this on the 611 and unfortunately failed. I’m sure someone more technical than me could fix this though.
I haven’t given up on using them to digitise the VHSs but it might be more worth while for me to sell these and use the money to go towards a less intense set up.
It’s hard to find examples of these previously sold and to know their value so I’m hoping £110 each is a fair price for someone who has the skills to get these up to standard for either use or resale. However, feel free to make me an offer for what you think is fair.
I’m UK based. I’d be happy to send these anywhere in the world but they’re 25kg each and I’d need to source appropriate packaging so it wouldn’t be cheap.
And thanks for letting me list these here. I hope I’ve followed the appropriate rules.