It's strange how topics seem to come in bunches sometimes. I
answered a similar question about DVD storage just today. Go read it, too, that info may help you.
There are so many DVD case styles out there, that I often forget which ones are "Amaray" -- sometimes people aren't even using "Amaray" anyhow. The subtle differences in how the hub grips the disc is what makes them "Amaray" or not. Strictly speaking, I find the M-lock cases to be better, as they don't exert so much force on the disc hub, which can lead to cracks in the media. Some of those DVD movie cases, especially the ones used by studio releases, are terrible about putting such a death grip on your discs that you have to almost bend it to pull it out. That's not good, not at all! It's bad enough on pressed media, but it can mean instant death
for burned discs.
Memorex has good single and double-disc cases, found locally in many office supply and retail outlets.
I store many discs in cases, almost completely using higher-end DVD cases from stores like, and
(NOTE: I don't have any affiliates with them. In fact, most of the stores I would suggest for media, and have built affiliate relationships with, I would warn you away from on movie-style DVD cases, because it's cheapy junk.)
Spindles work well for all discs, but they are ideally best suited for discs with a raised innner hub, to separate the discs slightly.
CD jewel cases (full thickness or slim), or even DVD jewel cases (yes, they exist, Apple uses them to sell blank media in!), continue to be a very safe -- maybe the MOST SAFE way -- to store discs.