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Please try to post all tech questions in the forums. Thanks!
Is there any known problems with Apple 4.7GB 8X DVD-R media? I have a customer who has made two complete backups using this Apple media - that's two sets of 83 discs (each set) for a total of 166 discs. As of three weeks ago, none of the discs are readable - as every Mac in the office ejects them out shortly after loading. Is there a way to access the data on the discs? Thanks for reading my questions about the Apple DVD-R media.
Welcome to the site.
No, there are no known problems with 8x Apple DVD-R.
Do you happen to know what the media IDs are for these discs?
Software for Media ID and Quality Scans [DOWNLOADS + GUIDE]
Before I get to ahead of myself, let's see what blanks we're dealing with here.
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