09-01-2010, 12:42 AM
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Please try to post all tech questions in the forums. Thanks!

Is there any known problems with Apple 4.7GB 8X DVD-R media? I have a customer who has made two complete backups using this Apple media - that's two sets of 83 discs (each set) for a total of 166 discs. As of three weeks ago, none of the discs are readable - as every Mac in the office ejects them out shortly after loading. Is there a way to access the data on the discs? Thanks for reading my questions about the Apple DVD-R media.
Welcome to the site.

No, there are no known problems with 8x Apple DVD-R.

Do you happen to know what the media IDs are for these discs?
See Software for Media ID and Quality Scans [DOWNLOADS + GUIDE]

Before I get to ahead of myself, let's see what blanks we're dealing with here.
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09-01-2010, 02:50 AM
highlander11 highlander11 is offline
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if the dvd burner worked while burning and you ( the email guy) used a normal burning software its a problem in his dvd drive or software issues( which I dont think it is a software issue)

166 dics for a drive in a week lets say or even in a day is a lot.
some will say: so why did we buy a burner -to backup
but some cant handle 166 discs or dvds lol

the dvds media are fine much better then mine lol so its not a problem of media

I think the "eye" of burning ..died

I burned 150 dvds in 5 years then I had the same problem
but still we live in different areas so maby its not your case although most of the stuff are amde at the same place (depends on the company od dvd burners)
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