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burn movie to BD-R 25 gig blank disc. watch the movie one time. store the disc in a dvd case in an air condition room for aprox 2 months try to play the movie again. player says disc error. even the burner that made the disc can't read it. not every disc is doing this. have you guys every heard anything like this before. please help if possible
The first thing to find out would be the media manufacturer. Was this a high quality blank BD-R from Verbatim -- or something from a cheap company like Memorex?
The way you've presented this makes it read as if the data has disappeared in some way, which is not really possible. The data is either there, or it is not. That leaves us with damage to the media, or damage to the players/burners.
Did you test the disc? If not, then unfortunately you really don't know the original condition of the BD-R. We're going to mostly be guessing, lacking that analysis data. But we'll assume the disc WAS in fact good, and now it is not. Again, that points to damage.
Do you smoke in the home? If so, that has likely damaged the Blu-ray drives. Optical coatings, such as laser lens eyes, are easily damaged by tarnishing caused by smoke.
The other thing to look at would be the BD/DVD case. Maybe it has warped the media? Scratches would be another possible issue. I'd really need to know more about the disc.
A final possible issue would be that the disc had issues, even when you watched it, but simply did not notice. That's actually VERY common. Another possible issue is that you've misremembered having watched the BD-R. It's possible you saw that same movie elsewhere, on DVD, on TV, etc -- and not the exact same disc you've having issue with. This is very common, too.
You can read related articles and forum threads on this data longevity topic at:
As well as search the site for more:
Hope that helps.
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