Are you a video service that says something stupid?
Uh-oh! Prepare to be listed...
What is This?
This is a newly-started ongoing anti-myth editorial series that will appear on both the main site and in the forum. We'll be picking on some sites and magazines in an exposé on the baloney we've seen online in recent years, whether it deals with video, photo or related topics. We'll point out what's wrong, what's weird, and what's questionable.
This particular forum thread will list out the so-called "professional" video services that seem to spread misinformation, often as part of their advertising or other online literature for potential customers.
Why Make This?
Do you want to be given inaccurate or unreliable information, when trying to make decisions? No, I didn't think so! This site is known for unbiased reviews, and a desire to help its readers achieve high-quality results from their digital video projects (whether it's a DIY job, or something that is outsourced professionally), so we've decided to expand our review content into this topic.
After having:
- spent decades in the media field,
- earning college degrees in media areas,
- and investing huge sums of money in high end equipment,
We've gotten a bit irked by the inexperienced Joe Bob's of the world who do things like:
- buy a VCR and DVD recorder from Walmart or Best Buy
- put up a cheap-looking website and offer $5-10 transfers
- and then mislead customers about what's "not possible" because they probably barely know how to set a clock on a VCR, much less know the complex in's and out's of video technology (both analog and digital)
This costs us business. (We'll explain why in the next post! One aggravating example from 2009 still comes to mind.)
This costs our respected competitors business. Yeah, we like our
real competitors, we just hate the hacks and quacks. There are folks out there that hurt the entire industry, be it from using stupidly-low pricing structures, or sharing half-baked ideas on what can and cannot be done. It's also a huge disservice to customers, especially the ones that don't know any better. But unlike some of those other professional folks that just takes their lumps and complain to peers (preaching to the choir), I'm fighting back.
And now ... The Hall of Shame
These are companies that have been found with misinformation, myth, propaganda or other questionable data on their sites.
The links point to posts that further explains what we saw, and what is wrong with the info.
Notes: Any service found to have fixed their error may be
striked through. (Often because they have contacted us with updates.) If you're not listed here, and would like to keep it that way, we'll be glad to review your site in private. Remember that our goal here is not to shame companies, but rather to halt the spread of bogus information floundering about on the Internet.
Legal: This list, and the subsequent posts that are linked to, should be considered opinions, but the information provided herein is a good-faith attempt to inform readers of possible unreliable information that can be found online or even in print. Note that our statements are made on the basis of factual information and research, often with plenty of evidence, and should not be consider libelous or vindictive in any way. We provide this information in an editorial, opinion and review capacity, to further consumer awareness of what may or may not be accurate in literature and advertising texts of companies that provide various video services. It is up to readers to make their own final judgments.
Retorts: Read the
myth forum rules.