Forum Advertising Rules:
Companies who wish to advertise their products are welcome to
Contact Us.
We have banner ad spots and text/image ad spot available. Products reviews and testing is also available.
We want to create a mutually beneficial business relationship with you!
If you are a productive member of the forum, and you answer member questions with real answers, then you're welcome to mention your company name and link to your products.
This is not considered spam. However, your answers must be more than "go buy these" or some other one-liner common to the drive-by posting style used by spammers.
Your forum username or signature needs to clearly mark your relationship to the company. Failure to mention your relationship to a company may be considered spamming if you refer to your own site, products, or services.
Productive members (as defined above) may also post deals, sales, or coupons in the
Daily Deals forum.
Note that Site Staff (or forum automation) may alter links to affiliate links, if your company has an affiliate program -- i.e., LinkShare, Commission Junction, Share-a-Sale, Google Affiliate Network, Plimus, Avangate, Cleverbridge, in-house, etc.
Outright spammers will be deleted, their info submitted to, and details added to the
dedication thread. You may find yourself firewalled from certain parts of the site. We openly shared spammer data with other sites, both in our own network and with peers.