Something we're currently looking at is attempting to expand Premium Member benefits, and for each core topic covered by this site: video, photo, web hosting/dev/design.
#1. So we're looking to give free website space to our Premium members. We already grant FTP access when needed, so this is just an expansion of that server's use. Single site, not sure about space. (Note: You'd provide your own domain. Or use a standard "member" type URL at one of our parked domains.)
^ How useful would you find this???
#2. There'd probably also be a Premium Plus annual membership tier ($75?), for having multiple sites, maybe unlimited space.
^ How likely would you look to use this???
#3. For anybody wanting managed WordPress support, we'd maybe partner with a host to provide that. Either monthly or annual, for about $250/year. Several sites, maybe unlimited space.
^ How about that?
Not many ideas here yet. Any input?
#1. kpmedia might update a custom WordPress photo theme, for modern responsive CSS. It was designed in the 2000s, and is a simple blog showcase. Too many "photo" themes are complicated, use helter skelter design, or simply ignore custom cropping. It connects to Facebook Likes. This is both photo and web design.
^ Any interest in that?
#2. Some of our associates create photo ebooks, many of which are inexpensive ($5-10) to buy, and are mostly for the purpose of showcasing their skills to acquire customers for their real photo business: photo workshops and tours. We'd get them for free for our members. (We'd first vet the material to make sure it meets our quality guidelines.)
^ Any interest in that?
Many expansions are currently ongoing for video, unsure at this time which may be Premium-only. Most likely, it will simply be more downloadable freebies in the Premium sub-forum.
^ Open to suggestions, more ideas.
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