Thanks Smurf,! I don't know you or the other admins and longtime members much but I do know you're not a huge fan of D-VHS
. Since my last thread I have set up a few searches in my local ad websites which should let me know if an HS950 is again available, as you know that's the model I really want. I was also discouraged from this deck not only because of the caps but also the seller has the most awful, lazy and careless attitude I've ever seen, makes me not want to speak to him again. So I guess I'll stay on the lookout and hope another good deal for a Panny HS950 appears.
Also, I'm definitely not getting it but I found something else pretty cool. A Panasonic NV-DV10000. I didn't even know there was a full size miniDV before seeing this one. I don't know how good of a deal it is, maybe someone else can tell me at a price tag of 215GBP or so.
Also, I've just had another thought. The best thing to do would probably be to buy it locally for cheap and sell it on ebay for something like 500EUR and make a huge profit which I will then invest towards a good S-VHS VCR. I'm a genius!