08-16-2018, 04:24 AM
deecay deecay is offline
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Hi there,

First post here, sorry for my newbienes(???)...

I'm seeking help with a Kramer SP-11D.

I've just received mine from a studio sale out, it does turn on, but it only shows 'E2' and the version no. (15) on the display. I've tried what I could already, including a firmware update trough the Serial port (which loaded up without a problem) and I still cannot control the device, no input or output at all, the buttons won't light up either, nor the LEDs.

So I was wondering, have any of you who owns one of these devices, ever removed the case? And by any chance, taken a photo of the interior? I did it on mine, and I couldn't spot any defect, but maybe I'm missing a cable from the front panel because there are two 10pin connectors just by themselves.(image attached

If you have any related info please share, cause this thing is driving me crazy.

Thanks a million!


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08-16-2018, 06:05 AM
Quasipal Quasipal is offline
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Is it possible to locate a service manual online? When units have such issues, usually its because of lack of a voltage line or open circuit fusible link. Those connectors don't look like they were ever used as there is nowhere on the main PCB to connect them.
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08-16-2018, 06:59 AM
deecay deecay is offline
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I will try to push support for a service manual (I couldn't find one online), but since they were reluctant to provide the list of error codes, I won't have high hopes about that...
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08-16-2018, 02:10 PM
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That's not a suggested TBC. There are past threads here in the forum.

Furthermore, I've seen a lot of junker units, and rarely a good one, so I don't think they age well. Studios usually abuse equipment, too many hands touch it. eBay has a lot of them, always sold by recyclers (estate sellers, "Storage Wars" wannabe's, etc), not a video person that can ensure it functions correctly.

The worst part about rackmount TBCs is the sharp edges, and wide body size (usually much bigger than VCR). I truly hate these, and you will eventually hurt yourself. It's a matter of when, not if, no matter how careful.

- Did my advice help you? Then become a Premium Member and support this site.
- For sale in the marketplace: TBCs, workflows, capture cards, VCRs
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08-17-2018, 05:00 AM
deecay deecay is offline
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I can confirm the sharp edges, already cut myself twice.
And I was also aware from past threads that this is not an ideal TBC.
Still I 've made the gamble purchasing this unit mainly for two reasons:

Firstly, because I need to capture into FFV1 10-bit, directly. I've read everything here about 10-bit capturing, so I know that mostly I won't see it...won't need it...and the data is not there in the first place.
Still that's the output what I have to work with, so I was looking for devices which process in 10-bit and I thought that the SP-11D will be an 'alright' one for this purpose, also I wanted to try it's converter capabilities, because we have materials in almost every standard.

Secondly, I'm just a cheap b*stard and I couldn't resist the price tag, and for testing purposes I could only gamble with my own money, sadly it looks that I've lost, so I've learned my lesson the hard way.
Still I feel, that's something is terribly wrong if you have to beg for a list of error codes for a device which is discontinued, and a service manual is nowhere to be found or probably still under copy protection.
Sorry for being such a 'hippie'.
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08-24-2020, 07:02 AM
Victor8 Victor8 is offline
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Did you manage to restore your SP-11D?

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