The only alterations I like to make is to compare the default delta 1-4-2 to the custom 1-2-2 GOP settings. See which is best for that one setting. I like the 1-2-2 for cartoons using that exact setting in the guide.
Some of my others use 1-3-2 and 1-4-2 ... just depends on test captures. Plus it's just me being particular.
Maybe consider 256k audio. I like it more, it sounds richer, but it is larger. It all depends on how much you want on one disc. The 224k was done for 24-minute cartoons. More toons are dropping to 22 minutes right now, so I have 256k leeway.
Play with bitrates. Anything in the 2.6 to 5.0 range is a good one from 352x480. Live action needs more, toons need less. Action needs more, slow needs less. Detail needs more, less details need less.
Video is art. Analogy: We all know the sky is blue. The exact tint of blue, however, is where we all like to play and experiment. Mix colors, etc.
And play with VIDEOSOAP for sure. I like using a custom 17% despeckle filter on EP mode VHS tapes. Just hope your CPU handles it. My CELERON does not do so well, while my P4 is fine.
Once the computer is good, always look at good VCRs, maybe spending more on better cables from Radio Shack. Shielded and gold plated on all cables, and RG6 for coax.
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