Hi! I'm new to this forum but it seems like a really great resource.
I've been tasked with converting the old family VHS-Cs to digital and have been running into problem after problem.
First, I got some junky capture device off of
amazon for around 15 bucks. It worked great with some of the video but a good portion of the tapes gave strange horizontal alternating lines of color on the screen that werent present when the VCR was plugged directly to the TV.
Then, I bought one of those expensive Elgato capture cards that seems to have great reviews on
amazon. Their software was garbage so I used OBS like i was for the last device. Everything seemed great as the colors now work with all the tapes but I've run into another issue. The recordings seem to drop frame rate occasionally later in the videos and look laggy at times compared to the recordings I captured with the cheaper card. Does anyone have any advice on what the cause of this may be? I've noticed the device starts to get warm after about an hour of capture or less. Are there any capture devices that anyone would recommend other than the easycap and elgato?
I've also been having trouble with the software
virtualDub where the video window wont show the output from the VCR while OBS seems to work fine. Is
virtualDub more highly recommended or is OBS satisfactory?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!