It's been 3 weeks since my last post (3/4/2022). Thanks to all for your input, which encouraged me to return my original sub-par capture devices.
My Premium Member status allowed me priority access to Lordsmurf who is directly selling some of his own equipment. I made payment earlier this month, and am anxiously awaiting delivery. Assuming I get the items soon, this is *definitely* worth the $20 annual cost to expedite things. Plus LS has promised a full workflow (VCR > TBC > capture card > SW > instructions) to enable me to make quality digital transfers.
I'm trusting the gear will be accurate, calibrated and have good resale value. Of course, I'll reserve final comment until after I have received shipment and had a chance to test things out.
I tried hard to do as much research in the forum prior to doing my initial post. I hope that the members respect that effort.
Again, thank you for all the tips so far. I'm really looking forward to getting started on this new adventure.