06-12-2011, 04:13 PM
Jpass992 Jpass992 is offline
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Hey guys,
I was wondering if anybody here has the JVC VCR model JVC HR S6900U from 1993/1994. I am trying to refurbish mine from ebay, and was wondering if anybody here has a busted machine that would be willing to part with the front panel of their machine. I would prefer the original factory sticker to be on the front panel, and I would prefer it to look mint, with no scratches whatsoever. Also, I would prefer, but don't need is to have the original protection seal over the display window. I am also interested in the original side panels of this machine. I would prefer them to be mint too, and to have no scratches whatsoever. Also, I would also be interested in the top cover of the machine, if it has no scratches or dents in it at all. I know that this may be asking alot, but I am trying to refurbish the machine I have, and would like to sure it its as new as possible. Also, I would be interested if anybody had the original factory carton for the JVC HR S6900U as well.
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