I think all of my JVCs blink auto ... when first plugged up.
If the clock is not set, after some amount of time, it defaults to --:-- for the clock.
Try a different tape and see if it takes it.
Yes, do this. Excellent idea. Sometimes it really is as easy as a problem tape.
It could be a dirty sensor or something else simple.
Another excellent idea. A can of "compressed air" (air duster) may help.
You lost me.
parental lock or something
Totally unrelated, I would think. I bet this is in relation to tuner programming, not VCR function. I don't know of a way to "lock" the transport system of a VCR in this manner.
nothing when I hit the power button
This often means a power surge. Did you have it plugged into a UPS, or just the wall? Or some cheap "surge protector" -- meaning a plain strip that honestly doesn't provide protection, regardless of claims on the package. After I lost my first expensive VCR from a surge several years ago, I've been strict about putting all electronics in the office (and home, too!) on a UPS brick with plenty of run time.