I read the admin post and I am still a little confused and hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I have two ways of importing my VHS tapes (Want to convert Wedding Movie to DVD)
1. Via connection through my camcorder which in turn is connected via a firewire port.
2. Using USB Roxio Video capture USB
I use Scart on the video recorder and don't laugh. I have bought a new video recorder, new cables, etc. and still get fuzziness on the bottom horizontal edge of the video file whichever method I use. On the TV (as per admin post) it works fine from the Video recorder.
However, I use Pinnacle Studio 14 to edit and convert to DVD. Problem is when DVD plays back on DVD player, the fuzziness is on the TV.

. Same problem when I used Roxio DVD package. I only have the fuzziness on the bottom horizontal edge and can someone please guide me as to how to overcome this problem. i.e. step by step guide on what needs to be done either when importing or to the movie file once on the computer to remove the fuzziness. Something that won't cost too much.
N.B. When I import direct from my video camera tapes (mini DV) via firefire, import always works perfectly.
Help really appreciated. So much so, that once I've ported the three video tapes that I need to successfully, I'm quite happy to give both of my video recorders FOC to anyone who wished to collect them from Carmarthen, U.K.