I am trying to find the FFVH codec. For some reason VLC can play it, but Premiere CS5 can't. Premiere can read the standard
Huffyuv format (HFYU), but it can't read FFVH for some reason. Gspot even says my PC doesn't have the FFVH codec installed. I have searched google, youtube, and many forums for a codec, but to no avail. The reason I'm trying to find it because I would like to use hybrid to de-interlace my huffy captures in my workflow. However, Hybrid seems to only encode to FFVH and not HFYU. But I still want to de-interlace them to a lossy format before I edit them and compress them for delivery. So I thought, why not deinterlace in Hybrid and keep it as
Huffyuv (or similar huffy in this case) and then do any editing/compressing afterwards. After capture, I don't want to compress > edit > compress again. I figure that would only degrade the quality, right? Or am I wrong? Anyway, the main reasons I really want to stick with using Hybrid in my workflow to deinterlace is because I've discovered it is significantly faster than Vdub (specifically Vdub2 with Avisynth/QTGMC) and doesn't blow up my file size several times larger than my original huffy captures. Even using the direct stream option in Vdub2 wasn't helping tone down the file size increase. It turned a 68GB capture into a 200+GB file! Anyway, maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. But I need help on this.