Hi Dewey!
The video at that URL is displayed using Quicktime, and not the standard Flash (like Youtube, etc).
One of the benefits of having a Mac with Final Cut Pro is that it comes with the paid version of Quicktime (Quicktime Pro). So I simply used that. In the web browser, I can right-click on the video, and pick the "save video" option. On non-Pro Quicktime installs, you'll find that option is unavailable.
The method dyfan mentions will work: savevid.com
Another option is to use the Firefox extension "Downloadhelper" --
However, I would keep that plugin disabled when not needed, as I've caught it wasting RAM/CPU, making websites load slower. I have this on all of my computers (where I have Firefox), and it's only turned on when I need to download a video -- which isn't too terribly often, but does happen.
For you convenience, I've already downloaded the video, and attached it to this thread for you.
And not just that, but I have some more for you! If you think the Sky video is amazing, wait until you see the Asahi video. It was posted to Facebook the day of the tsunami, and word of it spread friend to friend (I know some people in Japan, both directly and through other friends). It's a recording from Japanese TV.
See attachments.
Note: If you don't know what to do with these RAR files, read this: