I am capturing to MPG2 and AVI files form VHS PAL.
I then use Megui and an Avisynth script to deinterlace and scale to HD, square pixels and 50 fps and convert to MP4. Avisynth v. 2.60
However when I capture I get som strange jitter in the first 1 sek. I want to cut out the first 1-2 sec. of the video. I then tried the "Trim" command in Avisynth
Trim(100, 0)
It works. It cuts the first 100 frames. Hovever the audio is not cut. It just starts later and is then 2 sec. out of sync. The videos total length is also the same, because it add still frames at the end to make space for the 2 sec. extra audio.
I tried the Trim command with pad = false or true, no difference
Trim(100, 0, pad=false)
I tried to add the trim command in the start of the script after <input>, same result, audio is not trimmed.
I tried to cut the audio separately
AudioTrim(2, 0)
I then get the message
Error in AviSynth script:
AudioTrim: Cannot trim if there is no audio.
AssumeTFF() # BFF for MiniDV
QTGMC( Preset="Faster" )
# SelectEven() # Add this line to keep original frame rate, leave it out for smoother doubled frame rate
Crop(12,4,-12,-12) # left, top, right, bottom
AddBorders(12,8,12,8) # left, top, right, bottom
# Levels(16, 1, 235, 0, 255, coring=false)
# LimitedSharpenFaster()
Trim(100, 0)
# AudioTrim(2, 0)
How can I trim both video and audio?