09-03-2020, 10:37 PM
cdisimone cdisimone is offline
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I'm having trouble understanding when to use AviSynth filters vs when to use VirtualDub filters, and in what order if you're using both. (And when order matters and why.)

I also am trying to understand the colorspace conversion to RGB that happens when using VirtualDub filters and why this is bad, how to get around it or do it properly, and how so many people are happily using VirtualDub filters on captured home videos if RGB conversion = bad.

I have also read that either the RGB conversion or something else having to do with VirtualDub filters is bad for interlaced video. What is that about? Or did I understand incorrectly?

My source is/will be analog interlaced SD home videos from vhs and 8mm tapes, captured with ATI 600 USB using HuffYUV compression.
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avisynth, colorspace, filters, rgb, virtualdub

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