As I recently recovered my old X800 AGP AIW, I started to gather a bit of equipment to finally work on the digitizing project I have been thinking of for quite some time.
Even though I know that the VCR is the most important part, I started with the PC, because that's what I already had.
As I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg (my wife would have minded
), I searched for cheap components. With this task it is a bit of a contradiction, I know.
VCRs are more common then TBCs so I concentrated on them, while also keeping an eye open for the VCR.
First, as intermediate step I aquired an EH-52 as TBC-ish part. Real TBC are scarce to find and the price tend to sky-rocket.
Then I could aquire a Profiko 2099-S rather cheap, so I took it as well.
And here is where I stumbled over some strange beast:
MPE-2000 Pro from a small german producer, built in 1997. That company filed for bancruptcy in 1998, so didn't produce many of those unit.
It actually is a full video mastering system, which (according to my understanding) also include a full frame tbc on both inputs. I don't have the manual for it (ok, for 50 EUR I can live with that), but I found a french website, which did a review on it:
I received it today and opened the console to get a peak inside: without totally dismantling it I could at least identify a Philips PCB80C552-5-16WP microcontroller, an Altena FLEX and a BT851KPJ video encoder.
So my question is: is this at least partially useful?
Btw, I will get a HR-DVS3U soon, so if it is not a complete dud, I will be covered on the VCR side as well.