Right now I'm using my Mitsubishi HS-HD2000U DVHS to transfer about 40 VHS tapes to DVD. One thing I've run across is some tapes have drop outs, the white trailing specs that travel across the screen. Currently with one very bad tape if I have the Mitsubishi TBC on there are dropouts running through the middle of the picture here and there. If I turn the TBC off the whole middle of the picture is very bad wavy and full of dropouts. Other tapes have some random dropouts and some tapes have none at all. All these are from the same persons tape library, recorded off television. Does this mean that my VCR is due for a cleaning? If I put in a new commercial tape the picture is flawless. Also I was thinking of getting a JCV DH4000 per one of LordSmurfs earlier posts on the VideoHelp forum and was wondering if it still held up today.