More and more, broadcasters are hiring idiots. I just do not understand it. In the 90s and early 200s, such things would have
never happened. Something like that was honestly a fire-able offense, and you'd be working at the local cable co, not a major network. Not even a local network!
But now? It happens
daily on at least 2-3 channels. At any given time, you can find fubar aspect ratios, interlace errors, or audio errors (lipsync, distorted levels, etc). It's ghastly. When I see junk encodes like that, I just turn the channel. I'm not insulting my eyes with crap.
I just do not understand it. You'd half to be deaf or blind to miss those things. Helen Keller could have done better!
By the time you fix the jaggies, you'll toss out a lot of detail and resolution to achieve it. (This is the same method I use to restore drop-field deinterlaced video from VCDs/etc.) Just record the SD, and file a compliant with the network about the crap HD feed. Maybe they'll fix. (Some do, some do not.)
On the Avisynth, well, let me put it this way...
Right now, ask in the restoration forum. In February, something special will happen. Afterwards...
I use it all the time. Heck, right now my main capture desktop has 4 minutes left until one of my Avisynth passes is done. Funny enough, I was looking again to see if a sharper-than-QTGMC deinterlace filter existed yet, as I think it blurs too much even when tweaked. Or some better tweaks, or even filter mods. I saw you posted about this same thing back in 2012 on VH. Small world!
Yes, we help Premium Members faster, first, and with more details. Unless a free member asks something interesting, that is.