06-15-2018, 07:01 AM
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hi folks,
i captured old 90s camcorder clips but having trouble to clean up the material.
i've read lord smurf's article about chroma flaws and tested the mentioned filters. but i can't get rid of the red-blue "yuck" as he calls it
i'm attaching a screenshot without any filters (not even deinterlace).
can you help me clean up the material? it doesn't have to be perfect, but this red-blue effect is disturbing.
Someday, 12:01 PM
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06-15-2018, 07:08 AM
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Lines of that nature may be more than just chroma errors, and can denote head damage (either or play or original record).
- If it's play, a better VCR helps resolve it.
- If its from record, then we're into restoration territory. More is needed than mere chroma noise removal.
Attach a clip, 99mb max, preferably smaller. Either high bitrate H.264 (7mbps VBR) of MPEG-2 (15mbps CBR) is adequate to see the error, lossless not required.
What was the capture VCR?
06-15-2018, 07:37 AM
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wow, thanks for the ultra-fast reply
i'm not sure what you mean by "play" vs "original record" - it's from a camcorder, so we taped it ourselves with an old device back in the 90s on VHS-C.
for the capture, i used an VHS-C to VHS adapter and my VCR is a sony SLV-SX720 (PAL).
i'm having this effect in all the camcorder tapes i captured. so i guess, i should try a different VCR?
06-15-2018, 07:56 AM
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- The camcorder from 90s recorded it. If recorder had error, it's on the tape forever.
- The VCR you have now is playing it. The player has error, not on tape, switching player can fix it.
Sony isn't the best VHS VCR, but not worst. S-VHS with TBC, of course, is far better.
Look at the tape. Do you see scratches?
I'd suggest not using that Sony at all before trying another deck. What you don't want is for that Sony to mess up the tapes.
Looking at the sample, there's a lot of timing wiggle and chroma that would be 99% fixed in a proper JVC S-VHS VCR with TBC.
Your IP shows Germany, is that right? There's a lot of really nice PAL VCRs on eBay Germany (and lots of sellers that refuse to post elsewhere, be it USA or UK). Going rate about 200-300 €, which is not bad at all. Buy it, use it, resell it -- and preferably to somebody outside Germany.
Those lines seem fleeting, only a frame or two, so unsure where the error is coming from right now. Troubleshoot, process of elimination, start with better VCR.
06-15-2018, 06:56 PM
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Thanks for posting samples.
Originally Posted by benni2
i'm not sure what you mean by "play" vs "original record" - it's from a camcorder, so we taped it ourselves with an old device back in the 90s on VHS-C.
sometimes the phrase "original record" might be open to interpretation, but it usually refers to the originally recorded source, in this case a VHS-C tape. Another phrase3 you'll often see is "original capyure;', which measn the original, unfiltered, and otherwise unaltered digital capture in its original colorspace and capture codec.
Your avi sample has been encoded to lossy AVC. Restoration work on border stains should be attempted using the original capture colorspace. If you're capturing to AVC in the first place, you've already set your restoration project a step backward.
It's encoded to a large GOP size (250 frames) which is disastrous for editing with lossy codecs.
The video is physically interlaced but has been incorrectly re-encoded as progressive.
The video is captured with unsafe video levels (blown-out hightlights) and elevated black levels that give it a flat, slightly overexposed look, with visibly clipped highlights and hot spots (look at the big rock). The image below is a frame from the avi sample, with side borders and head-switching noise removedm to avoid affecting the histogram measurements. A YUV histogram is attached ton the frame. Large pale blue arrows on the top band of the histogram point to elevated black levels just to left of center in the white band and to unsafe (clipped) highlights in the upper right-hand corner of the histogram.
As mentioned earlier, there is visible scanline timing errorm distortion, but there is also dot crawl and herringbone noise (look at the frog and the blue drainpipe).
Here is a 2x blowup showing dot crawl and herringbone, notably on the frog and the rock but visible everywhere:
Border stains are usually a sign of improperly stored tape as well as poor tracking because of tape deformation in storage. In this case it looks like UV channel inversion due to tracking problems. Another tape player could possibly look different, but not likely. You can give another VCR a try. Various Avisynth filters and overlay techniques have been used to minimize the stains, but they don't work 100% and they don't work at all after an original has been re-encoded.
Dot crawl can be repaired somewhat in Avisynth, but not without softening the video. Herringbone is extremely difficult to repair and anti-herringbone filters are very destructive of detail. It's best to avoid dot crawl altogether by using either an s-video output or a device with a good 3D comb filter, such as certain DVD-R's used for line-sync pass thru. Herringbone is usually a fault of the player, but is sometimes caused by a few cheap capture cards.
Last edited by sanlyn; 06-15-2018 at 07:08 PM.
06-16-2018, 03:30 AM
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for herringbones nothing's better than f1quiver (tested before)
avisource() #assuming progressive source
F1Quiver(last,"custom", 25, 100, 50, 35, 70,0, 80,90, 120,30,test =true,row = 155, erow=300,degree = 8,gamma =0.2 )
for strong dot crawl:
bicubicresize(480,320)# NTSC source
spline64resize(720,480) # NTSC source
mt_edge(mode="prewitt",chroma="copy").mt_expand #prewitt mode is more agressive / use mode="min/max" otherwise
06-16-2018, 12:45 PM
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working with Benni2's sample, the attached mp4 is the best I could get without over smoothing. Filers used for dot crawl and herringbone are among then most destructive around and should only be used on rather sharp videos. Meanwhile I had no luck with FFTQuiver and have never had good results with it. Meanwhile themaster1's script is incomplete and gave unexpected results. The script I used is a little more common. Chubbyrain2 and MCTemporslDenoise in chroma mode worked on the left and right border stains. checkmate and a resizing mask worked fairly well on the dot crawl and herringbone. Stronger filters would soften even more. The right border also has a dark gray "echo" border and about 4 pixels of distorted image. You might want to crop off a few more right-hand pixels than I did, but on most TV's tye viewer would likely not notice:
# --------------- chubbyrain2 - interlaced, 2 borders ----------
#create "a1" filtered clip from "a"
#create "b" filtered overlay clip from "a1" (left border)
#create "c" filtered overlay clip from "a1" (right border)
#overlay the "b" left border onto original "a", creating "d" version
#overlay the "c" right border onto original "d", creating "e" version
### --- restore interlace ---
# ---------- deinterlace "e" version ----------------
QTGMC(preset="very fast", border=true)
# ---------- Bad Dot Crawl ----------------
main = last
mt_merge(main, filtered, mymask)
# ------ Replace dropout in deinterlaced frame 96 ------
# ------ Re-interlace ------
# ------ to RGB for VirtualDub filter -------
return last
It's best to have a better vcr with s-video to avoid dot crawl to begi8n with. Ihave a rebuilt SONY FLV-595HF that still has great playback with old tapes but needs a dot crawl filter and line tbc pass-thru with a Panasonic DMR-ES10.
08-30-2018, 04:18 PM
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wow, thank you all for your answers. you are amazing pros i kneel before thee....
and sorry for the late answer. i was so busy finding another VCR and then got software problems (see other thread) that are solved now.
the new caps from the other VCR (though 6-headed) haven't been better at all. maybe even worse. probably it's the cheap usb capture device. and my good old wintv go pci-card got no drivers for win7 anymore.
i'll play around with your filter settings in the next days and will report how it worked. or ask questions shortly before my head explodes
-- merged --
ok, i'm trying to load / import all the scripts and plugins that you used. but no matter how much i read all the readme files, i'm stumbling from one missing plugin to the next.
at the moment, it can't find mt_convolution that is used in ChubbyRain2.avs. and i can't find it in this board, either.
is there an easier way? do you maybe have the scripts in a neat package with all necessary plugins?
09-03-2018, 08:29 PM
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Originally Posted by benni2
ok, i'm trying to load / import all the scripts and plugins that you used. but no matter how much i read all the readme files, i'm stumbling from one missing plugin to the next.
at the moment, it can't find mt_convolution that is used in ChubbyRain2.avs. and i can't find it in this board, either.
is there an easier way? do you maybe have the scripts in a neat package with all necessary plugins?
mt_convolution is not a filter. It's a function in the MaskTools2.dll plugin.
Note: don't download Avisynth or VirtualDub filter packages and zips directly into plugin folders. Filter downloads usually include additional files and documentation that you don't want in your plugin folders. Instead, create folders on your PC for Avisynth downloads and VirtualDub downloads. Then make subfolders with the same name as the filter you're downloading. Then copy only the filter itself into the relevant plugin folder.
Some of these plugins are available only as .7z files, which requires the 7Zip application. 7Zip is free and is a very handy tool. Get it here: https://www.7-zip.org/.
SmoothLevels() is a function in the SmoothAdjust plugin. The latest version is 3.20. The download link is in this post at doom9: https://forum.doom9.org/showpost.php...75&postcount=1 .
The documentation and download page for Chubbyrain2 is http://avisynth.nl/index.php/ChubbyRain2. the mt_convolution you mention isn't furnished with ChubbyRain2. It's a function of MaskTools2, which you'll find by browsing the ChubbyRain2 page is one of the required support plugins. The latest MaskTools version is 2.2.17, but you're better off with the v2.2.10 that comes with the QTGMC plugin package -- and you need QTGMC anyway
( http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/atta...g-qtgmc_newzip). The QTGMC package contains several plugins plus instructions for everything inside. It even includes links to the Microsoft VisualC runtimes you'll need for these and many other plugins.
ChubbyRain2 also requires the cnr2 plugin, available at digitalfaq as cnr2_v261.zip
( http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/atta...d-cnr2_v261zip).
Another support file named in the ChubbyRain2 documentation page is the Bifrost plugin. There are a few versions around, but v2.0 is the safest and is attached as Bifrost_v2.zip.
The next heavy hitter plugin is MCTemporalDenoise, or MCTD for short. It requires several support plugins. The main download and documentation page is http://avisynth.nl/index.php/MCTemporalDenoise. MCTD requires the following plugins:
- MVTools2. version is Included with QTGMC..
- MaskTools2. Included with QTGMC.
- FFT3DFilter. Included with QTGMC.
- RGTools. Included with QTGMC.
- EEDI2. Included with QTGMC.
- AddGrainC. Included with QTGMC.
- LSFMod, main page and download link at http://avisynth.nl/index.php/LSFmod.
- --- LSFMod requires MaskTools2 and RGTools, both included with QTGMC.
- --- LSFmod requires VariableBlur ( http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/atta...bleblur_070zip)
- --- LSFmod requires awarpsharp (from aWarpSharp2_2015.zip at
- TTempSmooth. http://web.archive.org/web/201404201...Smoothv094.zip
- DeBlock_QED. Is in DeBlock_QED.zip
( http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/atta...deblock_qedzip)
- --- requires DeBlock from DeBlock. DeBlock_13.zip (
- --- requires DCTFilter from DCT_Filter_0150.zip (
- SangNom. http://avisynth.nl/index.php/SangNom
- GradFun2DBmod. main page and download link at http://avisynth.nl/index.php/GradFun2DBmod.
- --- requires GradFun2DB ( http://avisynth.nl/index.php/GradFun2db)
- --- requires AddGrainC, MaskTools2, and RGTools, which are all included with QTGCM.
Checkmate ( http://avisynth.nl/index.php/Checkmate)
ReplaceFramesMC ( http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/atta...ceframesmcavsi). Requires MVTools2, included with QTGMC.
RemoveDirtMC ( http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/atta...emovedirtmcavs)
- --- Requires RemoveDirt v0.9. See RemoveDirtv09.zip and instructions ( http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/atta...ovedirt_v09zip).
LimitedSharpenFaster is in LimitedSharpenFaster.zip ( http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/atta...arpenfasterzip).
- --- requires awarpsharp2, which is included with LSFmod (see above).
- --- requires MaskTools2 and RemoveGrainC, which are included with QTGMC.
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