Alright first of all I just want to explain to those who may be angry that it may be a question that someone already wrote more then one time...However I'm totally confused and I will explain why..
At first when I came to this forum I had just the EzCapture usb thing and was trying to capture using
virtualdub (Which in the end after having many frame drops got me to this great forum..)
From there I understood from lordsmurf that for better capture I must first throw away this Ezcapture thing and buy TBC,Better capture card and new S-VHS with internal TBC..And that's what I did..Invested around 1200$ for TBC,JVC S-VHS HR-S7950 and ATI 600 USB Capture..
I captured all my homemade VHS tapes using virtual dub all on default settings and 0 frame drops and audio sync is well..Some tapes had indeed bad noise however I guess it's just because in some parts they are damaged already so nothing I could do..
Anyways now after doing the capture using
VirtualDub and saving all the captures on one folder..Now comes the new part which is the restore/filter thing..And here I'm totally lost,If for the capture part I thought I already started to understand how things work now I'm totally lost in too much information too much details ..I know I cant expect for a straightforward guide in this subject since every restore is for each case..
However at least a little explaination on what to do?
I saw topics on software called AviSynth,There there are arguemnts if to use AviSynth the official 32bit or + 64bit or MT and when there is no something that is better then the other (That's what lordsmurf likes to say in his posts from what I checked ;D)
and with all the different filters,scripts and explantions I'm feel like I'm lost
Have no clue what to do,
The Tapes are PAL and the idea in the end is to transform all of them to H.264 file which would be used in the end on my digital stream server in PLEX so my whole famliy would be able to watch it on their computers/TV..
Again,I know that probably the answer for my questions is somewhere here,But with so many details and so many opinions I really have no idea what to do,And hopefully someone can guide me to the right place,Dropping me to Avisynth wiki wont really help me to understand anything as I went there and tried to understand everything but it just made me more confused,On the guides here for example lordsmurf says he is using filters in VirtualDub it self + Avisynth and I'm like