In a word: Nope.
Let me guess ... "tested' and "working".
In this condition, if more than $50, return it.
In this condition, at any price, if unwilling to tinker, return it. (And honestly, you want to convert videos, right? Not try to make a VCR function correctly. That's an extra project you didn't want.)
A typical bad eBay buy. Most eBay VCRs are this way. Problems. The seller often blames UPS/Fedex/USPS, but that's rarely the actual cause. Their garbage (literally) is what they're trying to foist onto you.
Sometimes the eBay seller name helps. There are known VCR scammers on eBay!
There's a reason that my JVC decks cost what they do (in marketplace subforum here), and why eBay decks cost what they do. Mine actually work correctly! Cleaned, maintained, refurb'd as needed. Or you can keep playing the eBay VCR lottery, but odds are not in your favor (15:85). So on average, that means 85% of all decks are trash (some properly listed as "for parts", some BS'd as "working" or "tested"), final 15% are range from needing work to actually functioning. I'm not exaggerating here, I wish I were. TBCs are 50/50, with capture cards often missing essential parts. Never, ever, buy a Panasonic deck from eBay, odds on those is more like 1:99.
eBay was never really a marketplace for video gear.