Well, I'm going crazy between trying to understand what's the better of the following formats:
1) 8-bit YUV 4:2:2
2) 8-bit YV12 4:2:2
3) 8-bit RGB 4:4:4
4) 8-bit RGB 4:4:4 Log
For the purposes of archiving VHS, which would be preferable and why?
In terms of YUV, it seems it's not so straightforward to convert YUV to RGB? It seems YUV has a lower data rate then RGB. It also seems to be more lossy over 4:4:4.
RGB seems to have a higher data rate. But it would seem like RGB would be the ideal (loss-less as possible?). Right since it's 4:4:4?
Since most hardware today works in RGB, why not just save it as 4:4:4 RGB even if it requires more data space?
The difference between 4:4:4 and 4:2:2 is that the 4:4:4 seems to provide more robust color information then the 4:2:2 sampling scheme.
And since luminance information has a non linear response to light when captured with a digital CCD, the non linear function tends to requires signal information to be encoded logarithmically.
So, why should I not archive in 8-bit RGB 4:4:4 Log over what seems to be the less quality of 8-bit YUV 4:2:2?
My guess is that YUV better represents the natural way VHS was stored? So, perhaps it's that YUV would be a better archiving format because it more closely resembles that of VHS?
I can't seem to decide! Can someone help me out!