This seems like two questions: (1) filtering video, (2) encoding to DVD MPEG-2
Your other posts here -- -- sort of covered some of the MPEG encoding question, so I'll make this a brief reply here. You'd mentioned
ConvertXToDVD, and that can be fine. Personally, I prefer to encode and author manually, to better control what goes on.
Also be sure to read what thecoalman wrote about time/resolutions, as that's all important to keep in mind. 720x480 vs 352x480 is the big one here, along with ideal bitrates for each.
Personally, I'm not to keen on Corel Movie Studio -- or Corel anything -- so I won't suggest it. Adobe software is decent, however
If you want filters, use VirtauDub. And this site has a pre-built
VirtualDub download with the filters generally needed to restore video.
I think that's it. If you have more questions, just ask.
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