Hi, I'm working on a project of video processing, and to get the video stream I must use this camera
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11745, and I need to transmit the camera video output over xbee, The problem is that the output of this camera is analog.
Reading the datasheet of this camera, I found that it uses a
PC1089k sensor, which contain an I2C pins, and the datasheet said that there is a digital output for this sensor.
So is there anyway that I can get the digital data usig I2C or any other pins of the sensor, or is there any simple PCB circuit that I can make to convert the data form analog to digital?
I know that there is some ADC devices that can do that, but I can't afford one

ps: in my project I'm using an Arduino uno/mega and a raspberry-pi 3.