Hi Guys,
have been reading quite a lot in this forum and finally decided to register.
Could someone give me a Brief heads up with my planned conversion set-up?
S-VHS gets played in Panansonic NV-HS1000
Video signal output via S-Video jack, Audio via Cinch.
S-Video goes into an AJA 101351, cinch via cinch to XLR cable aswell.
The AJA breakoutbox should then digitize the signal and transmit it via 10 bit SDI cable to my AJA Kona 3.
Then some Magic whichcraft in Windows should record it, although I have no plan how to manage that at the Moment ;D
Is the Setup structurally able to work and give me the best possible Video signal out of my VCR ?
Two Notes:
I'm living in Germany and the availablity of the ATI Cards on the 2nd-hand market is quite poor, the AJA components will cost me around €100, cables aswell.
Thanks for your opinion, really appreciate it
Manual of the 101351:
on p.22 it kinda states my plan as possible