06-05-2012, 12:29 PM
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Hi kpmedia
As someone new to the idea of Vps hosting,I am eagerly jotting down your recommends and facts
Currently I am on a shared business hosting plan but with an ever increasing page view count,I need to migrate to vps.
My problem,is that I know nothing about vps
I obviousy require fully managed vps
I get 150.000 visitors pm and run WordPress.I aim to add another blog though only a landing page
I seem to be confused as to what technical things I will be required to do on opening a vps account
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06-05-2012, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by 1agreg
Hi kpmedia
As someone new to the idea of Vps hosting,I am eagerly jotting down your recommends and facts
Hi, welcome to the site. Let's see what I can do to help you here...
Currently I am on a shared business hosting plan but with an ever increasing page view count,I need to migrate to vps. ..... I get 150.000 visitors pm and run WordPress.
Based on this traffic number, and the application in use (WordPress), I honestly don't think you're in need of a VPS. You'd likely be far better off on a higher-resource shared plan, from a known quality host. And the "resources" are RAM and CPU, which are the ones that matter -- not disk space and bandwidth. These higher resource plans are known by several names, because there's not an industry-wide term:
- Enterprise hosting - as offered by Stablehost
- Semi-dedicated hosting - as offered by MDDHosting
- Business hosting - as offered by some hosts.
Now I know you're reading that last entry -- business hosting -- and think to yourself, "But I already have that!". However, that's probably not true in your case. I'd need to know who your current host is, in order to ascertain what they perceive to be "business" hosting. Again, there's no industry-wide term for high-resource shared hosting.
- Sometimes "business hosting" is a fancy name given to plain old shared hosting to snag small business owners.
- Sometimes it's for normal shared accounts that have more disk space and bandwidth, but not more RAM/CPU allowances.
A lot of terms can be used interchangeably in hosting. A tone point in time, "semi-dedicated" was also synonymous with a VPS.
150.000 visitors pm and run WordPress
I aim to add another blog though only a landing page
Getting back to your site again...
150k monthly uniques is usually at the edge of what normal shared hosting is able to support ** for non-application hosting (no forums, no shopping carts, etc) and would often still load/operate fine at a high-quality shared host. However, there's no real room for growth here. And this is likely why you need/want to upgrade
** This also assumes you're using a WordPress caching plugin; I highly suggest Hypercache Extended with DB-Cache Reloaded Fix. I'm not fond of W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache. When cached, WordPress acts more like plain HTML webpages, instead of an application (forums, shopping carts, etc).
Adding a landing page/site won't impact anything, especially if it's a basic HTML page. At most, depending on how you're planning to make a landing page, it means you'll need to create another domain -- I'm assuming it's going to be a keyworded/niche domain. That means multiple domains, and most all advanced shared plans allow for that. So again, the landing page/site isn't a worry.
My problem,is that I know nothing about vps
I obviousy require fully managed vps
I seem to be confused as to what technical things I will be required to do on opening a vps account
Therein lies the pickle. Even a "managed" host is reactive management, not proactive. That means you'll need to request security audits, help turning off unnecessary services, monitoring uptime, etc. Of course, that's no good if you're so inexperienced that you don't even know what to ask for! Proactive support will almost always require a third-party service, with prices starting at about $30/monthly, which is in addition to the VPS cost with the host.
I think you'd be much, much better off with the Shared Enterprise hosting from Stablehost. That's what and who I'd suggest here.
Understand that I say this as somebody who acts as an independent VPS admin, charging $29+ monthly, and am essentially turning away a potential customer. Some of our affiliate links with quality VPS hosts ( JaguarPC, Futurehosting) pay better than shared hosting, too. But unlike a lot of shysters online, I want to give out advice that's truly in your best interest. I think it's in your best interest to get high grade shared hosting, at a known-good host, and skip out on the managed VPS at this time.
If you are still determined to get a VPS, then reply and I'll give advice in that direction.
Or if you need anything else, either reply (on this topic), or open a new thread (on a new topic).
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06-06-2012, 12:59 AM
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Thank you for your reply
I am currently on a Hostgator business plan costing $14.95pm
I use W3Total Cache plugin,though it causes endless problems.The reason OI use it is because I have it intergrated with MaxCDN
My blog has been down twice all for excessive Database usage and queries.Last week Hostgator cleared 3.000 comments from my Database and so my blog.-Not happy aboput that!
I have been thinking of adding a Forum to my blog,maybe Mingle or even VBulletin
This is why I have been considering VPS hosting
I aim to add 2 more domains to my hosting account.When I said landing page,the one will be a wordprerss site with mainly an affiliate landing page and 3-4 posts'
I am newish to running a blog,three year s now and have le arnt css and a little php
I really see that my current blog will be using more cpu and Ram in the near future,hence I was considering vps
Even though I use MaxCDN my cpu usage seems to be high and causing problems with Hostgator
I suspect this is due to plugins.I use only what I see as essential.Social and sharing
If I need to pay more for a service to manage a vps server,then so be it
Interested in your views
06-06-2012, 03:38 AM
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Okay, it does sound like managed VPS hosting would be a wise move on your part. You'll want to have the resources and freedom available from a VPS.
I'd even considering dumping the CDN. I don't know how/why the trend to "use a CDN" started, but it makes very little sense for anybody that's not running huge sites full of downloadables, videos, and images. All it tends to do is add another layer of aggravation, whereas a single server can suffice plenty fine, and with less complexities and hassles.
You need a plugin audit. Some plugins are very poorly coded. (Most of the "SEO" plugins are atrocious, and don't do a lot of real "SEO" anyway.)
What's your ideal budget? And then what's your max budget?
As mentioned elsewhere recently (the JaguarPC vs LiquidWeb vs Futurehosting thread, where your first post came from), there's several grades of hosting available. You have budget hosting, standard hosting, and premium hosting. JaguarPC, for example, skates the line between budget and standard, while Futurehosting skates the line of standard and premium. A number of quality hosts are mentioned on my suggestions list here: http://www.digitalfaq.com/forum/web-...-best-web.html
As of Q4 2011, something I've been doing is managing VPS' for $29/monthly. The first month is $129 as there's a lot of initial setup time required. But unlike other management services, I'll also help you with certain apps, including WordPress, vBulletin and MyBB, as well as site content advice (including no-BS SEO advice). This is a new service for us, therefore not every detail is spelled out just yet. But it's something we've been doing for many years now, as included in management packages for our website clients. If that's of interest to you, PM me or use the Contact Us form. I handle most of these tasks personally.
To help you pick a VPS, let me know that budget, and then tell me more about the demographics of your site. Where is the target audience?
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06-06-2012, 09:54 AM
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Thanks for your rely,advice and notes
Your suggestions sound great to me.Regarding the budget for hosting,I was considering around $40.00 pm
I am more than happy to for service of managing my vps server.At $30 pm it is with in my budget.
You mentioned a wordpress plugin audit.This also seems advisable to me and my site
I gather with a complete service a ballmark figure of around $70 pm is good for some one with little or no experience of handling a server
I would like to know;what does the audit include
Please bare in mind my blog will need to be migrated to any future host
I can be contacted << removed >>
-- merged --
I noticed I failed to mention my sites Demographics and target audience
Over 54% of readers are from USA/CANADA.Readership is aged 40-50 and 60% are married with kids and average income ¤100.000 p.a
I recieve a large readership from Europe and Russia though neither are targeted
Last edited by kpmedia; 06-06-2012 at 11:03 AM.
Reason: Removed email info so you're not spammed. ;) -KP
06-06-2012, 11:08 AM
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Your budget looks good, and there area couple of really top-notch VPS hosts that I'd suggest using here.
What you'll end of with is this: The power of having your own server (VPS), but with the convenience/security of not having to manage it.
Any decent North American host will be fine for you. Even London or Amsterdam based server should be fine, assuming the site is cached and optimized. You can look at:
- WiredTree
- Knownhost
- LiquidWeb
- EuroVPS
Namecheap and Site5 also have special "no root" managed plans, if you want a host to manage it.
You'll always find our most updated suggestions here:
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Quite often, problems with web sites are caused by having a rotten web host. Worse yet, many hosts try to blame you (the customer) for the problems! So dump that lousy company. Say goodbye to slow sites, unresponsive support techs, and downtime. Find yourself a new host today. Whether you need shared, reseller, VPS, semi-dedicated, cloud, or dedicated hosting, something on our list should be a good upgrade for you.
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08-24-2014, 08:50 AM
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I was looking at older thread today -- curious what you had decided on this, if anything.
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