I admin a vBulletin site for a friend, and she uses
SiteGround as her host.
For some reason, emails send through the "Contact Us" form at the bottom of the page,
and the mail option under
Would not send.
HOWEVER, the automatic thread notifications, PM email alerts, and other similar messages were working fine.
Based off the information I read from
http://support.jodohost.com/showthread.php?t=1691, I took a chance and replaced all instances of vbmail() with mail() in the sendmessage.php file.
HOWEVER, again, there were problems. I would get this error message:
Warning: mail() expects at most 5 parameters, 7 given in [path]/sendmessage.php on line 312
and email still did not send.
On line 312, about halfway down the sendmessage.php file, I changed one instance of mail() back to vbmail()
PHP Code:
vbmail($destemail, $subject, $message, false, $vbulletin->GPC['email'], '', $name);
Email can be sent through both the sendmessage Contact Us form, as well as the adminCP interface for admins to email all members.