No Phil I used DVDShrink.
What I did was to RIP the beginning section of the MGM logo from one of my DVD's (Which is a black screen as you know

) and then I used the Re-Author in Shrink, then I just used 'Set Start/End Frames' and I used the end frame just 1 second from the start.
So I got a nice 1 second black screen Video clip, I entered the resulting VOB into DVD-Lab it demuxed it for me and I added the movie without the audio and it worked fine for me.
EDIT: That didnt work either I couldn't skip between the last trailer to the next video clip, so what I did was to add a movie segment and I put the last Trailer on that first the I added the 1 second clip.
Now if I press skip the trailer will skip to the blank screen thinking its a new chapter and then straight onto the menu.