Try the equidistant chapters the way Kwag suggested.
If you load your mpg file into vcdEasy and going into the Chapters tab, reveals that your mpg file has "Entrypoints Suitable For Editing = 1", then you won't be able to add any but one chapter if that.
{going from memory here,,dont have it in front of me}
There's an option to click on before encoding in tmpgenc under video i believe, .....something Suitable for Editing (Close GOP Headers), or something to that effect. Checking that should make the mpg suitable for adding chapters as vcdeasy will find entrypoints.
If vcdeasy still finds only one EntryPoint, then you'll have to add them by editing, {closing} the headers. Demultiplex the mpg file and run your .mpv file thru MPEGSequenceMaker. Then remultiplex back to an mpg, cue up vcdeasy and try selecting chapters again.
There's more info on VcdHelp: