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07-07-2004, 01:24 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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of course Boulder, you know what you're saying but i know what i'm doing and the results that i got!
12 Kdvds with 2 movies each with 2 x ac3-5.1channels(english and portuguese) and 2 subs(english and portuguese) in each movie....it's not my imagination..it's my results(without menus)!
i only want a toll to do menus..seems that dvdlab can do it!
everything i did like i posted, nothing different!
i repeat: perfect file size
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07-07-2004, 01:29 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by jorel
i repeat: perfect file size
JOREL :banghead:

With a 2pass it's
NORMAL to obtain a perfect size.

THAT IS NOT due to Roba Will you understand that, yes or not ?
It's really, really, really boring to consinuously seeing that you are so sure that we do not believe you that you understand only what you want in our posts

Boulder or I, we NEVER said that you don't have a correct file size because WE KNOW that you have a correct filesize.
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07-07-2004, 01:35 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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ok Phil
i can't post the same that i wrote again!
IF you do like i posted,you will see that Roba will work EXACT like i wrote.
NO,it's not incompatible, D2SRoba does exactly :
the FIRST little encodes(Roba do 3 or 4 little samples) to find the Q THEN (after find the Q for the target),then the .vaf,later the full encode.......ok, or you do like i wrote or you NEVER will see that i wrote what i got...no way!
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07-07-2004, 01:40 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by jorel
IF you do like i posted,you will see that Roba will work EXACT like i wrote.
And you repeat that again like if I didn't believed you the first time. It's amazing...

NO,it's not incompatible, D2SRoba does exactly :
Do you read me until the end ? Including my "edit" I add after boulder post ?

or you do like i wrote or you NEVER will see that i wrote what i got...no way!
Isn't that what I typed there :
I HAVE to verify what D2SRoba does exactly
Doesn't this mean that I will do test of my own ?
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07-07-2004, 01:43 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
Originally Posted by jorel
i repeat: perfect file size
JOREL :banghead:

With a 2pass
NORMAL to obtain a perfect size.

THAT IS NOT due to Roba Will you understand that, yes or not ?
It's really, really, really boring to consinuously seeing that you are so sure that we do not believe you that you understand only what you want in our posts

Boulder or I, we NEVER said that you don't have a correct file size because WE KNOW that you have a correct filesize.
wrong! you don't understand about Roba!
with 2 passes you DON'T (NEVER) get perfect size!
MAYBE 1 movie for one dvd media but NOT for 3 movies with 2 subs and 2 audios ac3! NEVER!!!!
Phil,i saty in my home doind tests all day long and i did all kind of tests with d2s for 2 YEARS...search my posts about d2s in kvcd forum and in doom9 forum. i ALWAYS use this tool!!i know all the results using CCE(3 versions)tmpgenc,sweethead problems if you choose frame selection,filters,matrices and what and where it all can give wrong file sizes. doing like i do with Roba,i HAVE perfect sizes....but using 2 or 3 passes without Roba,WRONG sizes ALWAYS!!!
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07-07-2004, 01:50 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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encode 2 movies with 2(3 or 4) passes without Roba,
then encode the same 2 movies using Roba like i wrote:
.....post the results! you will believe in YOUR results!!!!

but all movies with 2 audios ac3 and 2 subs,ok?!?!?
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07-07-2004, 01:55 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by jorel
MAYBE 1 movie for one dvd media but NOT for 3 movies with 2 subs and 2 audios ac3! NEVER!!!!
It seems that you do not know what is a 2 pass encoding then !
You can't have a wrong size in two pass except when there is a bug into the encoder (like with mencoder for instance, even in 2pass you have sometimes a size that is completly wrong).

(and as you are talking about 2 years using D2S I can tell "no other encoder gave me wrong size in 2pass before mencoder in THIRTEEN years of test on MPEG2 )

But after that I read :
i did all kind of tests with d2s for 2 YEARS...
... So I reach the conclusion that D2S has a bug somewhere (in the computation of the average bitrate to reach probably).

However, when I said "with 2pass" I wasn't talking about "when you use 2pass in D2S" so we were not talking exactly about the same things.

but using 2 or 3 passes without Roba,WRONG sizes ALWAYS!!!
What is strange is that I used D2S with CCE, in vbr 3 passes to do SVCD before I discovered KVCD and I ALWAYS had a correct size at the end. Always like "I never had a problem in dozens of CDs". And I can't see what was different in your tests and lead you to failures
(and again I do not tell I don't believe you !)

Originally Posted by jorel
encode 2 movies with 2(3 or 4) passes without Roba,
then encode the same 2 movies using Roba like i wrote:
.....post the results!
As just said above : no need, I had dozens of SVCD done with that with no problem (the majority were in 2 discs)

but all movies with 2 audios ac3 and 2 subs,ok?!?!?
Okay but that mean that your problems of wrong size are recent ? Because I don't think taht 2 years ago you did movies with 2 subs and 2 ac3 audio

I asked that to know if my previous experience with SVCD is enought or do you mean that the size problem appears when you do a KDVD with 2 movies ?

you will believe in YOUR result
Jorel, you are reading me carrefully ? Really carefully ?

Okay : if in the future you post again ONE MESSAGE suggesting I do not not believe you I WILL NEVER ANSWER AGAIN TO ANY OF YOUR MESSAGES.

Is that clear between us ? I really mean it so do not take that as a joke !
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07-07-2004, 02:09 PM
Boulder Boulder is offline
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Regarding the one pass in Q mode, the second in VBR:

I think it's quite safe to do the resizing pass if the filesize difference is not big (I'd estimate 1-5% might be safe). As the vaf file contains information about the complexity, CCE should be able to hit the desired bitrate with the second pass without ruining the quality.

And jorel, using RoBa and then doing a VBR pass IS ALMOST THE SAME AS A REGULAR 2-PASS. The biggest difference quality-wise is that if the first, Q mode pass, is accurate, the encoder will distribute the bits better in the second pass (=the VBR pass).

MOST PEOPLE DO NOT DO THE SECOND PASS (ALSO KNOWN AS THE RESIZING PASS). I always do another Q mode encode and adjust the prediction accordingly if the filesize differs too much to my taste after the Q mode encode.

Think of RoBa as the CQ mode of TMPGEnc put in CCE. That's what it really is! The only difference is that you're able to do the resizing pass if necessary.
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07-07-2004, 02:15 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by Boulder
I'm not sure but I think that Jorel jusst let D2sRoba doing its job like it wants and do not ask himself to have this second pass. That is surely the guaranty of this perfect size that he noticed with the Roba methode.
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07-07-2004, 02:17 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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the differences are:
for good quality in svcds,we need 4 or 5 passes(quality for my taste) and take very long time and imperfect final file size.
for KDVDs,the prediction works different and using 4 or 5 passes,take to long time too and give wrong file size.
with Roba,when i choose "multipass vbr,i got perfect size and FASTER with the same quality or 4 passes, this is what i'm trying to show!

for 3 movies in one media, see my last log :

D2SROBA v3.50, by Tylo
- WIN_98 - AutoIt
- 2004-07-04 22:04:46
- Output type : DVD
- CD size : 1400
- Number of CD's : 1 (max 32)
- Sample percent : 1.0
- Adjust % : 1.2
- Cond. sizing pass : Yes (Transcode if opv sz > 0.3% oversize, and Q <= 28 )
(Encode if opv sz < 2.5% undersize, or Q > 28 )
- Clean previous : Yes
- Run mode : Crash recovery
- Waiting for CCE window ...
- Detected a CCE encode window
- Detected the movie encode window - shutting down
- 2004-07-04 22:07:03
- Project dir: D:\D2S-D\
- Config file: D:\D2S-D\DVD.INI
- Avisynth ini: D:\D2S-D\AVISYNTH.INI
- Avisynth setup: [Undot - LanczosResize - Deen 1], cond. filter: None
- D2S ver., CCE ver.
- Movie length : 01:20:36 (115968 frames, 23.976 fps)
- D2S audio select : 384 + 0 kbps
- D2S video calc. : 1975 kbps, 1 CDs
- Select Ranges : every 1200, select 12 frames
- Sample frames : 1164
- 1 CD: video_br=1975 (1975) audio_br=384+0 video_sz=1194094094 fill=100% cbr=0
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
- Using num CDs : 1
- Target mpv BR : 1975 (max 8000) kbps, size=1194094094 bytes
Search for Q:
- Sample encode : Q=40: 2013 kbps, err=1.9%, size=1217288997, sample sz=12218236
- Sample encode : Q=41: 1982 kbps, err=0.4%, size=1198356324, sample sz=12028204
- Determined Q : 40 = Round(41 + (0.4 - 1.2)/1.6)
- 2004-07-04 22:11:28
- Start movie OPV encoding (Q 40)
- OPV pass result: 0% on target (7 / 1194094094) Speed factor: 0.92
- 2004-07-05 01:23:56
- Start VBR sizing pass (1975 kbps)
- Sizing pass result: 0% on target (7 / 1194094094) Speed factor: 0.94
- 2004-07-05 04:27:46
- Recover DVD2SVCD
- 2004-07-05 06:38:36
- D2SROBA successfully finished

and part of the dvd.ini from the target folder,see the CCE and Roba options used:
CCE Safe Mode=0
CCE Image Quality=17
CCE Anti noise value=2
CCE Anti noise=0
CCE Timecode=00:00:00:00
One Pass VBR=0
Calc Bitrate As Max=1
Multi Pass VBR=1
RoBa Multi Pass=0
RoBa Visibel=0
CCE Bias=20
CCE Field Order=2

do you saw something wrong?
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07-07-2004, 02:22 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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Originally Posted by Boulder
And jorel, using RoBa and then doing a VBR pass IS ALMOST THE SAME AS A REGULAR 2-PASS. The biggest difference quality-wise is that if the first, Q mode pass, is accurate, the encoder will distribute the bits better in the second pass (=the VBR pass).

Think of RoBa as the CQ mode of TMPGEnc put in CCE. That's what it really is! The only difference is that you're able to do the resizing pass if necessary.
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07-07-2004, 02:23 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by jorel
with Roba,when i choose "multipass vbr,i got perfect size and FASTER with the same quality or 4 passes, this is what i'm trying to show!
The "same quality" aspect is okay, I do not have problem with that. But fot the file size part, you said something different : you said that in two years you NEVER have a correct size in 2 (or more) passes. That means that even before to start making DVD, you had problem with the size in 2pass mode. Is that correct ?

I just want to know if I really need to do test with 2movie DVD because I never had any size problem with 2pass when I did SVCD. And I don't want to loose my time in useless test

So if you tell me "with SVCD I didn't have size problem but NOW with DVD I have", then I will do some test myself for DVD. Else that is not necessary.

do you saw something wrong?
Why do you want me to see something wrong ???

(except than the computed Q is 40 that I find personnaly horrible so that is a good thing that Roba do not "just" encode with this Q value in 1 pass )
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07-07-2004, 02:25 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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i forgot important details for my kdvds:
max: 8000
max average 7200
it all means: extreme quality!!!
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07-07-2004, 02:25 PM
Boulder Boulder is offline
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Originally Posted by jorel

- Cond. sizing pass : Yes (Transcode if opv sz > 0.3% oversize, and Q <= 28 )
(Encode if opv sz < 2.5% undersize, or Q > 28 )
See that section from your log - RoBa is a one-pass variable encode tool but it will do the resizing pass if necessary. That's what we've been trying to tell you all day long.
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07-07-2004, 02:37 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
Originally Posted by jorel
with Roba,when i choose "multipass vbr,i got perfect size and FASTER with the same quality or 4 passes, this is what i'm trying to show!
The "same quality" aspect is okay, I do not have problem with that. But fot the file size part, you said something different : you said that in two years you NEVER have a correct size in 2 (or more) passes. That means that even before to start making DVD, you had problem with the size in 2pass mode. Is that correct ?

I just want to know if I really need to do test with 2movie DVD because I never had any size problem with 2pass when I did SVCD. And I don't want to loose my time in useless test

So if you tell me "with SVCD I didn't have size problem but NOW with DVD I have", then I will do some test myself for DVD. Else that is not necessary.

do you saw something wrong?
Why do you want me to see something wrong ???
correct Phil, i had problems a few time for dvd targets without Roba using 2 movies! for DVDS!not svcds(svcds for 1 cdr-700mb sometimes).
here,we are working for big file sizes,different for svcds in one cdr!
very important: i NEVER post something wrong about the results,in special for you! i believe that our target, is (always)good results trusting in friends recomendations, right? just do it,and without loosing time, target size and quality! c'mon do it Phil! TRUST ME!

see that in the logs, the options was choosed exact like i posted
i pm to you this exact way a few weeks ago, remember?
find that pm and check...it's the same that i wrote here.
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07-07-2004, 02:53 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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hey,you're turning it all confuse:
Q40 for cartoons with 720x480 using undot and deen is not bad.
i only did ONE time 3 movies in one dvd.
my personal choice is 2 movies that give me round Q20!
you(and not me)are not reading the DETAILS in what i wrote
Q40 is bad for svcd or less resolutions, acceptable for 720x480!
remember that this factor was for 1 of the 3 movies on the dvd media and not for all movies.
you are trying to find something wrong in what i did but remember that i choose max 8000,min 800 and average 7200.
if i was choosed max 5000 for example the Q will encrease.
i NEVER encode until i find the better options to encode!!!!
one factor(Q value alone) don't give quality...all options choosed give quality, not Q alone!
after my tests for that target was better with max 8000 with Q40, clear?

again(last time) i write:
choose Roba and encode.if the Q used was 30 for roba,
choose Q30 for 4 passes without Roba...post the results.
IF you don't do ,you will catch problems in what i posted all the time.
AFTER you do,you will get YOUR results and not what i wrote!

Boulder,i wrote that NO MATTER how many passes we choose in multipass vbr, the job is always the same. but multipass is better than cbr using Roba in the results....seems the same but it's not. After you encode using the options and comparing the results you will SEE what is different!
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07-07-2004, 03:05 PM
Boulder Boulder is offline
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jorel, for the last time:

RoBa does NOT do CBR, it does a one pass variable bitrate encode. The bitrate varies so that the quality is kept constant, just like CQ in TMPGEnc.
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07-07-2004, 03:41 PM
Boulder Boulder is offline
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Originally Posted by jorel
again(last time) i write:
choose Roba and encode.if the Q used was 30 for roba,
choose Q30 for 4 passes without Roba...post the results.
IF you don't do ,you will catch problems in what i posted all the time.
AFTER you do,you will get YOUR results and not what i wrote!
You can't choose the Q value for a multipass in CCE. You'll have to use the average bitrate you wish to achieve (this is why you get a correct filesize!)
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07-07-2004, 03:46 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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right,my mistake..the default is "one pass vbr" that Roba use
from tylo home:
This plugin makes DVD2SVCD/CCE produce the same quality as a 4-5 pass VBR encoding, with only one single encoding pass (OPV).
- Quality based one-pass VBR encoding with CCE - fills last CD to the edge

but i choose multipass vbr for the reasons posted(if you read the reasons that i posted)!
3. Q. What does D2Sroba have to do with Internal RoBa provided inside DVD2SVCD?
Tylo originally wanted to provide one-pass encodes in DVD2SVCD using CCE,...
7. Q. Really, does it compare to a 9-pass VBR?
It is actually better, IMHO. But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself!

Optionally doing a second VBR pass
If the first pass did not fit well, if it was very undersized or worse, oversized, a second pass is recommended or mandatory, respectively. The plugin then does the second pass, in VBR mode, adjusting the encode to the exact file size needed to fill the target media, and using the VAF file created in the first pass.
So regarding the “quality or size” dilemma, this method provides the best of both worlds. It lets you choose the quality of your encodes, and lets you fill the target media to its edge.

from jsoto post:
Hi jorel,
3 or 4 passes in CCE multipass with Roba
AFAIK, D2SRoBa always does the same algorithm. These choices in D2S are irrelevant. The magic of D2SRoBa is to do only one pass OPV (well, may be two in some cases), so the choice of 3/4 in D2S is simply unused.

(well, may be two in some cases)

and....Never use "calc bitrate as max" with D2SRoBa: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=76092
see the reasons:
I did a fresh installation last night and found to my horror that "calc bitrate as max" is checked by default in the CCE encoder tab when One Pass Vbr is selected.
It seemed to work, but then in retrospect we realize this was just a close equivalent to CBR and the whole thing was abandoned as silly.
You can imagine what happens now if that stupid checkmark is left on when using OPV. Max bitrate is so constrained that OPV cannot really do much of anything. Like I said, you might as well be using cbr, at least you would get accurate filesize then. For some reason that I can't seem to understand, a few people still use it like this and so d2s has kept it in.
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07-07-2004, 05:27 PM
bigggt bigggt is offline
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Ok guys this thread is becoming a little angry and i do not want to get involved but need to know

I really don't understand the settings to get CCE to do the best quality but am using DS2Roba

Are you guys saying this is not the best way or just A misunderstanding between Jorel and you 2.

In short is using DS2Roba a good idea
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