i posted how i do,why i use this way and i think that i'm the only one that using dvd2svcd(dd2dvd)with Roba got 2 movies with 2 audios ac3 from source and 2 subs for 1 Kdvd with perfect size.

i can't find nobody here that got seamless results like me! but still i have opinions against my results if nobody test what i did...this is strange for me. but now it's irrelevant.
if you want the same result as i got, please follow the DDogg's recomendations in this thread,this is the way that i choose to got my results posted:
please,atention in the 2nd,5th and in the 6th DDogg's the resume to got that results! if you have doubts, please post in that thread cos(as you can see) my poor english is unclear, i can't explain better but i got the results posted. best is read the whole thread,ok?
only to remember: DDogg was beta tester of dvd2svcd(maybe still as beta tester) and you can trust in his recomendations!i am thankfull to DDogg cos following his recomendations posted in that thread,all my problems are gone(file size,audio ac3,etc,etc)
best regards