Broken fames easy repair maintaining audio/visual sync
(copy from craigyd in doom9)
"Only use this if AVIdefreezer can not help you.
This is my advice for broken frames but be warned your film will jump but you will keep audio/visual sync.
1.) Run Virtual dub to see if you have any errors first as there is no need to do anything if you have no errors.
2.) If you find you have errors do nothing (close virtual dub)
3.) Open nandub and play the video.
4.) When you get to the bad frame/s nandub will stop and tell you the frame was unreadable. Great you now know the frames numbers that are dead.
5.) Go to the frame before the first broken frame and set section end, save avi with direct stream copy this will make (part1.avi). Close nandub
6.) Re-open nandub and your main avi file again (NOT part1.avi). Go to the frame after the last broken frame and set section start. Save the avi direct stream copy as (part2.avi)
7.) Close nandub and re-open
8.) Join part1 and part2.
Your video is now fully playable with only a small jump you will not really notice."
sometimes it can help.