Quantcast Changefps vs. AssumeFPS vs VirtualDub? - Page 2 - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
01-28-2004, 07:17 PM
AgNa AgNa is offline
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Ok heres another sample with the respective untouched source, the script I used is the same that I posted before.

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Someday, 12:01 PM
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01-28-2004, 07:56 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Okay. I just encode your sample myself and as I guessed, I do not have any problems !

So you should check :
- your xvid codec (be sure you use xvid and NOT 3ivx or ffdshow)
- the codec settings (disable ALL post processing)
- your tmpgenc settings (it's better to save them as text tmpgenc project and post it here).
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01-28-2004, 09:02 PM
AgNa AgNa is offline
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
Okay. I just encode your sample myself and as I guessed, I do not have any problems !

So you should check :
- your xvid codec (be sure you use xvid and NOT 3ivx or ffdshow)
- the codec settings (disable ALL post processing)
- your tmpgenc settings (it's better to save them as text tmpgenc project and post it here).
Thanx a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I Updated my Xvid coded and seems the problem is gone , I'm (and was) using Koepis Xvid codec since I got a lot of recomendations and already experienced troubles with FFdshow in the past. Now I post the TMPG setings in case you can finde some other error or mistake that could put me into troubles

Ahh And BTW when I use AssumeFPS I always get an undersized file, any ideas why? I use manual prediction

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01-28-2004, 09:12 PM
kenguard kenguard is offline
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Thanks for the info Phil.

I was using a DivX codec. I didn't know any better? But now I do.

What's you codec of choice?

Also, I was looking at the script that was posted and my AviSynth install. I do not have grip.dll, nor can I find it anywhere. I've got gripfit_YV12.dll. Are they the same? (I know this should be in the AviSynth forum!)

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01-29-2004, 04:51 AM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by AgNa
Ahh And BTW when I use AssumeFPS I always get an undersized file, any ideas why? I use manual prediction
That can be due to the place of assumeFPS line. I think it have to be before the sampler line, but if you already do that, you can try to put it after, just to see.

  MPEG.Video.CQ_MaxBitRate = 2000000
  MPEG.Video.CQ_MinBitRate = 0
  MPEG.Video.CQ_EnablePadding = True
0 as min bitrate ? Your standalone can handle that ? They are few to accept that.

This should be "Hight" or "Motion Estimate" (if you are using MA script).

I never saw that "VCD non standard" was called "illegal" in the project
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01-29-2004, 04:54 AM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by kenguard
What's you codec of choice?
Be carrefull we were talking about Xvid, not divx. The codec are different.

You must have on you PC _only_ the last Divx release (5.0.5 or 5.1.1) and a Nic's (or Koepi's) Xvid codec. That's all.

I do not have grip.dll, nor can I find it anywhere. I've got gripfit_YV12.dll. Are they the same?
Yes they are.
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01-29-2004, 06:20 PM
AgNa AgNa is offline
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Did somebody told you that you are a very patient guy??

I dont use 0 as minimun bitrate, even when my player supports it I only used it to make the sample I posted, the same goes for the Normal speed, I always use High Quality
And Im gonna try your tip about the position of Sampler, I use it after the AssumeFPS line but Im gonna try after and see what happens.
One more time , Thanx a lot for your help, your time and your patient
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01-29-2004, 07:35 PM
Bigswaffo Bigswaffo is offline
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What would the be the best way to convert AC3 audio from 25 fps to 23.976 fps? Should I convert to wav first?

Also, is it the general conclusion that AssumeFPS is the way to convert the video
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01-29-2004, 08:03 PM
AgNa AgNa is offline
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Originally Posted by Bigswaffo
What would the be the best way to convert AC3 audio from 25 fps to 23.976 fps? Should I convert to wav first?

Also, is it the general conclusion that AssumeFPS is the way to convert the video
What I do is to Convert the AC3 audio to WAV with Headache, then I adjust the time to the new FPS (25.000 to 23.976 = 104,271% longer audio file) and from now on since Dialhot put the light in my way Im gonna be using Assume FPS, but not for Music Concerts or videos, since that requieres a time streching of the audio wich I can really notice on music , So I think for that Im gonna be using Change FPS or directly loading the 25fps source and selec the 23,976 template, that gives me a little jump wich is only noticeable on moving camera. Except someone can give me a better idea
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