04-29-2004, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by r6d2
You know, I thought I could do some improvements to Moviestacker (as I also suggested to shh's FitCD with success). I was even tempted to ask the sources myself.
(Fortunately, I refrained on time. Perhaps local community would have thought I was trying to rip muaddib's work too, even though I was thinking he simply forgot to include the sources.) 
Oh, I don't think we are still there. The matter has been settled at last, so we just have to be patient and Moviestacker will glow again on its own. Man, we waited for a year already. 
Hi r6d2,
If you would come here and ask for the sources Muaddib or anyother would have told you exactly the same they did to Shh.
Or maybe with a little difference: you probably wouldn' have been told dozens of times to go private and discuss it with Muaddib as I take you for an intelligent person.
That was the biggest mistake Shh commited: he knew Muaddib was not using GPL because he wanted to do so but because he was obliged to do so! And he knew Muaddib wouldn't want to give his code too as it had been discussed previously.
And he knew if he headed to D9 forum he would gain a lot of friends in no time, due to their GPL love, which BTW haven't been too friendly with us.
So he had it all worked out. He would always stay public so that D9 members would see how he was a poor boy here and how he was so badly interpreted here, and so on, and so on...
Otherwise he would have done it the way any decent person would have done it: PM the guy and ask where are the sources.
This has hardly come to an end buddy, or I'm completly mistaken.
Let's keep waiting for Muaddib and see what he has to say.
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04-29-2004, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by jorel
i'm in doubt and sorry for that :
i don't know why you all came here and work so hard to an arrogant stupidity [...] see that i'm not against someone cos i don't know they in person,i'n against your positions and comportament.
Sorry, jorel, but I did not understand a word you said. You say you're in doubt, but in doubt of what? then you start using the word "you", I don't know if you mean "me" or "all of us Doom9ers". English has those quirks, which other languages don't.
On either case, you are attributing to me things I don't think or for which I'm not responsible.
Then you start saying you are the minority, when kwag has stablished the minority is just the opposite... Sorry, I really don't get what is the point you are trying to make.
I also think your post may be considered quite offensive and aggressive, but since I know you are a well intentioned fellow, I rather chose not to understand it that way. It must be something related to the language barrier.
04-29-2004, 05:06 PM
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What didn't you understand r6d2?
Yes Jorel is a bit angry with those that come here with no particular intention to help over this matter, but to start messing with everybody.
He even found that some D9ers don't have problems double joining other forums.
If you need help understanding Jorel ask us and we'll help you.
Yes language makes a bit of a gap here and there but in the end Jorel has always been able to "send" us his message
04-29-2004, 05:07 PM
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To be honest guys I dont see the point of this thread any more seeing as MovieStacker has been removed from downloading until Mauldib can remove either the GPL or shh FitCD code from MS.
It seems to me that we are going around in circles and getting nowhere in pointless debate. Maybe we should lock this thread and let Mauldib resolve the situation when he has the time to do so?
04-29-2004, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Zyphon
It seems to me that we are going around in circles and getting nowhere in pointless debate. Maybe we should lock this thread and let Mauldib resolve the situation when he has the time to do so?
I totally agree with you!
04-29-2004, 05:16 PM
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Definitly agreeing with you Zyphon
04-29-2004, 05:20 PM
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@audioslave & rds_correia
Thanks guys I just feel that this thread is now 10 pages long and will just go on forever without ever being resolved.
We need to move on I feel to other areas rather than wasting our interlects on this thread.
04-29-2004, 05:24 PM
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Ok guys. I agree too.
Locking up thread.
05-01-2004, 02:07 AM
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@ all
Sorry to reopen this thread, but unfortunately I had no time in the last 4 days to read/write forums, and I feel that I must express my self again about this matter, as some of my intentions seem to be misunderstood. I already explained this at doom9, but I want to do it here too.
I received some PMs from some of the “new KVCD members” that was like someone coming by my side, giving me a cordial “slap” in my back and saying “Glad that in the end you did the right thing!”.
Sorry, but I really have to clarify that… I didn’t ask to kwag remove MovieStacker from download because I thought that was the right thing (thinking in a wider meaning of “right” than just “legally right”). I did it because GPL forces me to do so. I didn’t change my mind about it. Not even a bit. Never was my intention to stay “illegal” in this matter. What I tried to do was show shh my side and point of view. If he didn’t accept it, that’s ok. So I complied with the GPL even not agreeing with it.
I thought that removing MovieStacker from download would clam down this thread. I see that this unfortunately not happened. I’ll leave this thread open believing that no more flame war and individual fights will happen. Otherwise it will be closed again.
05-01-2004, 02:28 AM
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I wouldn’t say anything, just to not just to not “keep it going”. But I want to add something to r6d2 traffic problem.
r6d2> Well, to tell you the whole truth, I don't get caught speeding too often.
Me too!
r6d2> But when I am, I don't really argue with the officer. It’s a matter of simple economy.
Well, in this case I think completely different from you.
If I have a good reason to be speeding, of course I will argue with the officer! He is just human, and not the owner of the truth.
I will explain my reasons to him. And if they are good reasons (and if he is a reasonable man) I’m sure he will not give me the ticket!
Let’s say that I was speeding because I have inside the car a pregnant woman about to give birth. I’m sure the officer will not give me the ticket and will also help me get faster to the hospital. This is just a simple example where the “law” is not enforced in the name of good sense.
r6d2> Adding up both kinds of situations, by paying the ticket when I actually (and seldom) get caught, for me it is "getting it cheap".
Yes, but I can show you many examples that it was injustice.
r6d2> But think of this other situation. I drive my car, so I agree to abide by the transit law (i.e. GPL). Another driver, in a van, does the same, but misses a red light and fortunately I stop just in time to avoid being hit. When seeing my maneuver, he also stops. No physical damage done, but I got scared as hell. So I step down and approach to this guy van’s window, and say: Sir, sorry but you scared me to hell. What do you have to say about what you’ve done? (i.e. Program sources, please?)
I think this was really an easy situation to react cordially and put an end to the problem right there. But as you said, you come to the guy van’s window. And that makes a lot of a difference. Let’s imagine a third possibility with your traffic problem.
What if, instead of approaching to the guy van’s windows, you went to the local newspaper and public a note relating the incident and demanding that as he crossed the red light he must pay the bill for that? There was no fiscal damage but you got scared as hell, therefore he must repair the damage he has caused to you in some other way.
Well, the local neighbors don’t think that your attitude is fair just because he crossed a red line, and also no damage has been done. To aggravate it, the local neighbors know you from the past as been a “trouble” maker around the neighborhood, and they don’t give you the trust you are expecting. You don’t think that’s right, because the other guy has really passed the red line, so you go to the other neighborhood and look for help in their newspaper. The people from this neighborhood (beside the fact they had already some scrape with the first neighborhood) thinks that you are completely right. They decided to support you, starting to demand that the van’s guy pay the price for his acts “against the law” (in their newspaper), because the law is the law, and he broke the law when he crossed the red light. This people that are helping you get so mad about the situation that they move to the van’s guy neighborhood to demand “justice” from a closer view, calling these guy’s friends of but-kissers, stupid, idiots, criminals and so on.
Well, you know the rest of the story. You get a neighborhood riot.
I didn’t write this to say that one is right and other is wrong. But to say that even agreeing with you that analogies are good, they are dangerous too; Because also truth could be in the eye of the beholder (or in this case, in the hand of the writer).
05-01-2004, 12:07 PM
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Originally Posted by muaddib
But to say that even agreeing with you that analogies are good.
Thanks, I also think it was an interesting analogy and I was afraid nobody actually got it.
Yes, but I can show you many examples that it was injustice.
Of course, my friend, and I agree with you on that. In fact, I can tell you that, personally, I think that every time I get pulled over by an officer and he gives me a ticket, it is an injustice!
I did break a law. I changed lanes, speeded too much, missed a STOP sign, or whatever, and no matter how valid my reasons were, I know I broke a law. But isn’t it unfair, and a blatant injustice, that so many guys do the same without any reasons, and never get caught?  I call that the greatest injustice of all.
A bit of some more humor to this thread: My veterinary surgeon uncle and I were pulled over by an officer once. He had missed a “no left turn” signal. When seeing his white apron and his syringe box, the officer asked him: Are you in a hurry? What’s your profession? My uncle responded: I’m a surgeon, officer, and I'm in a hurry indeed. Go ahead, the officer said. Man, do you think that’s fair? He was not a doctor, and there was no emergency whatsoever.
We, software engineers, don’t carry syringe boxes or white uprons, so we just have to pay.
Also, if I were carrying a pregnant woman or an injured passenger, my strategy would a bit different than yours. I’d not even pull over. I’d run as hell, with my lights blinking, playing the horn and the like. And the officer, when seeing me passing by, would start to follow me, see my signs, get the point and help me to get there. And you know what? If that saved a life, I’d even ask the officer to give me a ticket, pay it, and it I would still consider I'd be getting it cheap.
What if, instead of approaching to the guy van’s windows, you went to the local newspaper and public a note relating the incident and demanding that as he crossed the red light he must pay the bill for that?
You have done an interesting twist too. I never saw KVCD as the newspaper (maybe because of the parallel kwag did with the organization thing, which I don’t subscribe since I’ve had my letters published on several newspaper without being a member of their organizations).
But it is a good point since not only the guys in the van gets to see it, but all the neighborhood also. At the same time, putting it on the newspaper would have been the resort I’d have used if the van driver did not stop (sort of hit and run), but in this case the van driver stopped. The problem was that I did not get to speak to him before the other guys in the van would increase the temperature.
However, the corresponding personal add I’d put on the newspaper, since it was not a hit and run, would be still “To the driver of the van numbered xxx, which scared the hell out of me the other night, What do you have to say about what you’ve done?”
You see, it is still the same “Program sources please?” of my analogy.
In fact, my analogy is not related to my involvement on you ability to get your new van. I’m not considering I own any part of your van. My analogy applies to anyone who would have seen the guy driving (under GPL = Transit Law) and naively thinks the van driver is aware of transit law, because he is driving, and in fact has a recently acquired his license.
Let me put it this way. I already said on another post that I was interested in getting the program sources too. I could have started this thread with the same question: “Program sources, please?” And what would have happened?
rds_correia, for instance, thinks I’d have got the very same answers as shh got (Only I’d have not been told to go private.) God, I’m glad I did not post “Program sources, please”.
One last point to your analogy variant: By publishing the personal add I’m not asking for you to pay anything to me or anyone else. I’m just asking you something you (inadvertently) offered to give when releasing under GPL. Don’t forget that.
In fact, it would be very interesting if you take the time to look at my “sincerity drill” posted a few pages back on this thread. And if you even want to post your opinion, I’d be glad to hear it.
Because also truth could be in the eye of the beholder (or in this case, in the hand of the writer).
Yes, my friend. In fact there is no such a thing as the “holy truth”, and each one has his own right to his truth. The point is that we can agree on some basic assumptions to get along and prosper, and we only get to that with respect for each other.
05-01-2004, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by r6d2
We, software engineers, don’t carry syringe boxes or white uprons, so we just have to pay. 
Nope. Sorry, but I'll give you a good example.
The company I used to work for, many years ago, did radio communications services for many companies, including the police department.
I used to work as an electronics technician, when I started there, and one day I was speeding to one of the sites, because one of the repeaters (which serviced the police department), was down.
I got stopped, doing 70MPH (on a 50MPH) limit.
When the policeman approached me, he asked me for my license and registration, and I asked: "May I ask what for, please".
He answered: "You were doing 70MPH on a 50MPH zone"
I answered: "Yes I'm aware of that, and I'm going that fast because your communications system is currently down, and the police department called us, because this is an emergency.
You should have seen how fast he let me go
About the surgeon, even though he is a veterinary, he is still a doctor.
05-02-2004, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by kwag
I used to work as an electronics technician
But I was speaking about software engineeers...
About the surgeon, even though he is a veterinary, he is still a doctor.
Of course, if you are used to lie (or carefully omit relevant information), you can get away with it more often.
You can also shoot the officer with a pistol kept in the glove compartment... It's just a matter of how far do you want to move from what you think is "fair", which is quite the topic here, or isn't it?  
05-02-2004, 10:00 AM
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Originally Posted by r6d2
Please refrain from making accusations or defamatory statements, Keep in mind in this forum this is not allowed, you can be baned from the forum for that.
05-02-2004, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by glänzend
Please refrain from making accusations. 
I'm sorry, I did not mean to accuse anyone. In fact, even though I read my post several times after your post, I honestly think the only one who might feel accused is my uncle, but he does not visit this forum nor is interested in encoding.
PS: Also, someone which is used to lie might feel offended, but who are you refering to, glänzend?
05-02-2004, 02:24 PM
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Originally Posted by r6d2
I'm sorry, I did not mean to accuse anyone. In fact, even though I read my post several times after your post, I honestly think the only one who might feel accused is my uncle, but he does not visit this forum nor is interested in encoding.
PS: Also, someone which is used to lie might feel offended, but who are you refering to, glänzend? 
Apology accepted,
But you see, you where answering kwag's post, you were talking to him, so I saw your answer as an accusation, but if you say you were not accusing anyone, no problem.
BTW, I'm sure your uncle considers himself a doctor.
05-02-2004, 10:00 PM
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It's an limitation of the English language. If you replace "you are" with "one is" in my post, you get the idea. But "one is" mode is seldom used. Most times, from context, you can understand the general point. (Or better "one can" understand...)
Anyway, my sentence was conditional so again if you are not used to lie, there is no reason why you should feel offended or accused. I hope that by your way of seeing things, and knowing him better that I do, you're not implying that he should.
You know, I called my uncle. He remembered the story, but told me a much better one:
A guy was speeding on the highway. All of the sudden, he notices a police car is chasing him. They guy speeds even more, and he struggles for his freedom for a few miles. However, the policeman finally gets him and he decides to pull over. The officer approaches to the driver and says: You know, you gave me a good fight. I’ll tell you what: if you can give me an excuse that I’ve never heard before, I’ll let you go.
OK, says the driver. He thinks for a while and then responds: Last week my wife left me. She run away with a police officer. When I saw you chasing me, I thought you were that officer, who wanted to give her back.
Anyway, all this is very funny but also very OT. I hope the thread is not closed because of that.
05-03-2004, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by jorel
@ r6d2
what do you think about this phrase posted:
"I see you are still a glutton for punishment"
Funny, that's exactly the phrase that Obelix says to a greek guy in "Asterix in the Olimpic Games". That's in page 45. Just before he beats the greek guy
05-03-2004, 08:45 PM
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Originally Posted by GFR
Funny, that's exactly the phrase that Obelix says to a greek guy in "Asterix in the Olimpic Games". That's in page 45. Just before he beats the greek guy 
You mean when he beats the twin brother of the greek guy believing he was the same guy, right?
Well, in the Spanish thanslation it says: "¡Mira que llegas a ser testarudo tú!", which means "What a stubborn guy you are indeed!".
05-04-2004, 03:48 AM
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r6d2> In fact, I can tell you that, personally, I think that every time I get pulled over by an officer and he gives me a ticket, it is an injustice!
Seriously? I can't believe you are this saint!
Personally, there were some times I thought it was injustice, few others that the officer did not give me the ticket, and others that I had just no good reason.
r6d2> But isn't it unfair, and a blatant injustice, that so many guys do the same without any reasons, and never get caught?
Well, I don't think so. To be honest, I never thought about it this way.
I did not build my life, or my work, or my concept of what is fair/unfair, or what is right/wrong based on "the other guy" (or if the other guy was caught or not).
r6d2> Go ahead, the officer said. Man, do you think that's fair? He was not a doctor, and there was no emergency whatsoever.
No. I don't think that's fair. That was a lie.
r6d2> You have done an interesting twist too. I never saw KVCD as the newspaper (maybe because of the parallel kwag did with the organization thing
Neither do I. It was just an analogy. I also never saw this mater as a traffic problem.
r6d2> The problem was that I did not get to speak to him before the other guys in the van would increase the temperature.
Well, if I were you, I would have found a way to speak with the van's guy in private. I would really not put it in the newspaper. But that's just me.
r6d2> I'm not considering I own any part of your van.
I'm sure that the van's guy is thanking God that there is no transit law that forces him give you his new van if some how he used an old steering wheel of you car!
r6d2> I could have started this thread with the same question: "Program sources, please?" And what would have happened?
I could not talk generally, but I can tell you that if you asked for it offering help to fix bugs (as you already did) or improve the project in anyway… it's a totally different approach, and at least my reaction would be different. But if you call for it saying that you have no real interest in the sources, but you want it just because you can. Well, I would probably not believe in what you were saying, and would probably react the same way.
r6d2> The point is that we can agree on some basic assumptions to get along and prosper, and we only get to that with respect for each other.
Good Post!
And I have to pour out that outside KVCD I felt no respect, not just for me, but for KVCD community as a whole. I'm saying it generally (of course), and of course there were (few) exceptions.
r6d2> A guy was speeding on the highway. All of the sudden, he notices a police car is chasing him. They guy speeds even more, and he struggles for his freedom for a few miles. However, the policeman finally gets him and he decides to pull over. The officer approaches to the driver and says: You know, you gave me a good fight. I'll tell you what: if you can give me an excuse that I've never heard before, I'll let you go.
OK, says the driver. He thinks for a while and then responds: Last week my wife left me. She run away with a police officer. When I saw you chasing me, I thought you were that officer, who wanted to give her back
That was a good one!  I like it!  It sure deserves a place at our " jokes forum".
Just want to warn you (and every one else) to never do that! Because if you don't stop by the sing of an officer (like your reaction with a pregnant woman in the car) and make he chase you, he is allowed to open fire and shoot your car! If he misjudges your actions and the worst happens and some one gets killed in your car… it will be too late to tell him your reasons. You can't even say that it was unfair (?), because the "law" says otherwise.
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