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05-04-2004, 01:47 PM
r6d2 r6d2 is offline
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Originally Posted by muaddib
Seriously? I can't believe you are this saint!
Of course not, my friend. I meant it based on the following statement I made. You know, life is not fair. You steal a chicken, you go to jail. You steal a gazillion dollars, and you can buy immunity.
I did not build my life, or my work, or my concept of what is fair/unfair, or what is right/wrong based on "the other guy".
Well, what is right for you may not be right for others. I always prefer to take that into consideration. The main point of living in a society is that everyone does its part.
Well, if I were you, I would have found a way to speak with the van's guy in private.
Well, if I were you, I’d have not taken out my van without understanding transit law.

Jokes aside, I tried to contact you about a year ago, but IIRC you were not answering posts then.
I could not talk generally, but I can tell you that if you asked for it offering help to fix bugs
You know, muaddib, this is the fundamental difference we seem to have in all this. Since it was a GPL release, I understood that I could get the sources as much as the next guy. You only realized you did not want to release the sources when someone asked for them, but that’s what you told everyone when using GPL in the first place.

And GPL does no provisions as to which reasons can I have to ask for the sources. I can even use them to develop a proprietary program that I’d never release. Although this is not in the spirit of GPL, it is perfectly allowed. And that’s probably one good reason why people like kwag don’t like GPL.
But then, don’t use it. There may be better choices.
Just want to warn you (and every one else) to never do that!
Good point. However, at least where I live a police car in pursuit will never shoot the running car unless shot first. It could easily create a huge accident.
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05-04-2004, 07:32 PM
muaddib muaddib is offline
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Originally Posted by r6d2
Well, what is right for you may not be right for others.
I totally agree that what is right for you may not be right for others. As you said before and I also agree, there is no such a thing as the "holy truth" (that is just for philosophical discussion), and each one has his own right to his truth.

Originally Posted by r6d2
I always prefer to take that into consideration. The main point of living in a society is that everyone does its part.
I always prefer to not take that into consideration. The main point of living in a society is that everyone does its part. I do my part based on what I believe is right, and this concept does not easily change because of the "other guy".

Originally Posted by r6d2
Jokes aside, I tried to contact you about a year ago, but IIRC you were not answering posts then.
About a year ago I stopped doing anything related to video compression. I stopped frequenting the forum, stopped programming MovieStacker and stopped encoding. I just had other priorities in my life. That’s why I was not answering posts.
Slowly I came back to the forum and saw that many people were complaining about MovieStacker not been compatible with AviSynth2.5. I saw that MovieStacker was causing problems instead of helping, and that’s why I decided (and now I regret) to update MovieStacker.

Originally Posted by r6d2
You know, muaddib, this is the fundamental difference we seem to have in all this. Since it was a GPL release, I understood that I could get the sources as much as the next guy. You only realized you did not want to release the sources when someone asked for them, but that's what you told everyone when using GPL in the first place.

And GPL does no provisions as to which reasons can I have to ask for the sources. I can even use them to develop a proprietary program that I'd never release. Although this is not in the spirit of GPL, it is perfectly allowed. And that's probably one good reason why people like kwag don't like GPL.
Yeah, yeah… I know that… The law is the law.
Look r6d2, of course this is the fundamental difference we seem to have, and I think we are getting too repetitive here. I see no reason to continue with that as we will not get anywhere with it. At least 10 people have already told me this argument. I understand it and I already said that I accept it (even don't agreeing with it). That's why I removed MovieStacker from download.

Originally Posted by r6d2
Good point. However, at least where I live a police car in pursuit will never shoot the running car unless shot first. It could easily create a huge accident.
Of course a police officer will not start shooting on any car that runs away, but that depends exclusively on their good sense, because the law says he can.
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05-04-2004, 07:49 PM
r6d2 r6d2 is offline
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Just two clarifications.
Originally Posted by muaddib
I do my part based on what I believe is right, and this concept does not easily change because of the "other guy".
Just in case I gave you the wrong impression, mine does not either. I just said that I consider it an injustice that law is not the same for everyone. I don't go speeding or breaking the law because other people do.

Of course a police officer will not start shooting on any car that runs away, but that depends exclusively on their good sense, because the law says he can.
In my country, there are other laws and constitutional rights that are above simple laws, and an officer will not just shoot you because he "can". Unless he really wants to get himself into trouble.

Now let's move on, we have some bugs to fix!
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05-04-2004, 07:53 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by r6d2

Now let's move on, we have some bugs to fix!
Yes, indeed. How about if we move on to other areas of the forum, and help people with encoding problems

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05-04-2004, 08:06 PM
muaddib muaddib is offline
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Originally Posted by r6d2
Just two clarifications.
I don't go speeding or breaking the law because other people do.
For sure not! I understand you.

In my country, there are other laws and constitutional rights that are above simple laws, and an officer will not just shoot you because he "can".
Certainly not! That's what I tried to say.

Now let's move on, we have some bugs to fix!
Agreed! We have much more interesting and productive topics here in KVCD than this discussion.
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05-05-2004, 03:54 PM
fingerbob fingerbob is offline
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Just thought I should ask this, cos I've been wondering now for a while.

I'm one of the fortunate ones who downloaded MovieStacker 2.1 before it was withdrawn. My question is - where do I stand as to using it for my own use now that its unavailable and considering the ongoing dispute?

I know that noone is gonna come knocking at my door demanding that I stop using it, but I just thought I'd ask from the point of view of shh and the licence thing.
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05-05-2004, 04:27 PM
glänzend glänzend is offline
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Hello fingerbob,
about your question,
Originally Posted by fingerbob
Just thought I should ask this, cos I've been wondering now for a while.

I'm one of the fortunate ones who downloaded MovieStacker 2.1 before it was withdrawn. My question is - where do I stand as to using it for my own use now that its unavailable and considering the ongoing dispute?

I know that noone is gonna come knocking at my door demanding that I stop using it, but I just thought I'd ask from the point of view of shh and the licence thing.
Since you obtained it legally and before it was withdrawn and as long as you use it for your personal private use, there is no problem with it.

If you have any problems or questions about the way it works, I'm sure the other guys in the forum and even muaddib himself will be more than happy to help you with anything.

The license issue between muaddib and Shh is being solved, hence muaddib taking the program out of circulation for a while to solve that issue.

Most of us in KVCD are just moving forward, to just keep helping the members that need it, as well as the other ongoing projects in KVCD.

Our moderators are trying to lead people to move forward and forget all this commotion, that went on about the license, again we have other KVCD projects, the site is big and we are addressing other issues

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