I have found a way to make a network of computers with an Ethernet switch so more that one computer can access the internet. I have decided to go with a wired network for now.
I have a PC in the kitchen with a DSL modem. This computer is a bout 7 years old running windows XP home edition service pack 3.
In another room I have a 2010 macbook pro running OS X Snowleopard.
In the future, I may have a netbook or 2 in another room.
there are 3 people in my house, of which I am the power user with my mac. My mother & father will probably use their computers for the internet like youtube.
I have been using a wired network with these computers with a 10/100 8 port netgear Ethernet switch for a few months now. But have found lately, it occasionally flakes out & drops the internet connection. I think it is something to do with the power cord. Just the slightest touch to the cord where it plugs into the switch makes all the lights blink like crazy & it drops the internet connection. I have to jiggle the cord a bit, & the connection comes right back, but it feels touch & go, like it could drop at any second. I got the switch from ebay used (I know may have been a bad move), but I figured switches do not have moving parts, so not much could be broken on a used one.
Do I need gigbit? what is it exactly?
I found this on
When I told someone about my problem,someone had gotten me this from their network, but got cable & they did not need it anymore;
I am torn, of whether to get the 8 port gigabit, or 10/100/1000 it seems to be newer or faster, but has fewer ports. When I hook up any switch, I automatically lose 2 ports, for hooking the modem & an Ethernet cable to the kitchen/modem PC. So I am left with just 6 free ports.
I like the 16 port I was given because it has a lot of free ports that would allow me to use Ethernet in different rooms in my house, it has plenty of expansion room, but it is not gigabit, it is just 10/100.
So would a non gigabit switch work as well for my situation? or does anybody think I will need gigabit Ethernet capabilities?
I looked at 8 to 16 Ethernet gigabit 10/100/1000 Ethernet switches, but they are way to expensive for me right now.
Should I just go with the 16 port switch that someone gave me? or would I be better off with gigabit abilities?