03-17-2023, 02:04 PM
Aisu Kuremu Aisu Kuremu is offline
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I've been ripping my DVDs to HDD with MakeMKV. Then I would use handbrake to trim off the borders of the MKV and keep the same bit-rate for the video and save them as MP4. This will allow the video to play and fill the screen on my TV or laptop.

I would like to author some KVCDs and KSVCDs with a similar program to DVDStyler where you can have chapters and edit the menus, text, backgrounds, buttons, and background music.

Is there a similar program to DVDStyler to author either KVCD or SVCD that accepts MKV as the video source? The very little I find regarding this is either outdated or broken links.

Or is encoding the MKV to an AVI absolutely necessary? If so, can you trim the borders out of the video while encoding to an AVI?

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